Horseride Of Question / Ch. 8

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Again Tommy POV

The bandanna scratched my face with every trot of the horse. Before we moved off Sapnap had placed a blanket over my legs so I'm not too cold but still. The icey air is terrible especially at the speed we are moving at.

I feel drowsy though. My eyes are weighing down on me pushing sleep. Im just to scared I guess? Throughout the maybe hour we've been in I've been checked on twice. The second time was more of a this will take like a day so go to sleep instead of is your leg ok.

I'm tied with my hands to my back and my waste to dreams. It's mainly so I don't fall off but also so I don't escape. My villainous energy has now turned in to a reason for living. Honestly I have nothing else to live for besides my stupid stupid plan that probably can't happen now.

With what I heard right before we left from Sapnap, my leg could take 1 month at best to heal. They marked it as I'm most likely not faking but if I am they'll know because of bad. Just as my description came to a close so did our ride. We had arrived at where i used to live, Logstenshire.

Dream undid the rope to where it was just around me. I realized if I took effort to look around I'd freak out. It happened last time except now techno wasn't here to comfort me. What is the best plan? Fake sleep like a boss. That didn't work out because I felt a hand remove the bandanna.

D: "Tommy, Bad is meeting us here to look at your leg. Sap said I need to know where it hurts so Bad can give you shit and leave"

Was that his way of asking me to tell him where my leg hurts? I mean it makes sense for that to be a question but that's a strange way to ask. He took the hint and helped me down from the horse to the ground. I chose to sit under a tree where I could lean on something.

Before he spoke to ask again in a nicer tone I looked down to my leg and pointed at the area near my calf down to my ankle. He acknowledged what I was doing rather fast. I then let the drowsiness take over and finally fell asleep. Right as my eyes closed for the final time though, I saw Dream take the ropes off me. Was he trying to make me more comfortable?

Lol this is an Sbi still dw ) LIKE 30 minutes later???

I awoke to someone shaking my shoulders lightly. I flinched, startled after just that bit of sleep I had to get up once again. A glimpse of light came through my eyes as they slowly opened to reveal bad. Dream was in sight. Close to the horse, feeding it maybe? The weirdest part was the backround area.

There was a vibrant sunset shining it's light on us. Where it covered the waters of the ocean area in shades of pink and red. They remained dim for me but I knew if I was well rested they would be just as colorful.

Bad: "Hi Tommy"

Bad spoke in that happy voice. He smiled at me. Then proceeding to look at my leg. Even if I'm in pain, exile made me hate attention.

Bad: "Dream told me what happened and this looks pretty bad. the combination of the cold with the injury are terrible."

Just as Sapnap had before, bad sounded sympathetic. He then reached into a brown pack next to him. As he brushed through it, you could hear light metal noises creating a racket for someone who just woke up.

Another thing I'm not one for that isn't attention is potions. I've found that they taste shitty. Sometimes they can be ok but invisibility potions, night vision, and even water breathing taste terrible. They leave that feeling of absolute anger in your mouth. Bad clearly didn't take the notice because he pulled out a regen potion.

Bad: "well Tommy, all I can say is it's pretty bad. It may take 2 months to heal all the way. Until then try and stay off it. Regen potions won't help much but they may help a bit. I ask you take one maybe once a day and maybe you'll be out of bed quicker."

This woke me right up.


My yelling caught dreams attention. My mind then traced into fear thinking he might hurt me. Though it's not easy I pulled both legs together.

D: "Tommy be quiet. Your too loud."

B: "here Tommy, listen, you can't. If you need to hold someone's hand, you can. I'm going to wrap it up a bit and that puts pressure on the wound. Do you want to hold dreams hand?"

Was that a question? FUCK NO. I hate dream. I'd actually hold someone's hand in this situation but whose? Bad isn't much of a liar and he's already stated this might hurt quite a bit. I sighed and extended my hand towards dream.

His face changed from annoyed to a smirk. He was still manipulating me even when I could walk or move on my own. If I can convince Dream to let me write to techno, maybe I can tell techno to delay the plan? That's when my thoughts were interrupted by a sharp strike of pain.

(Ok so before I get a question, I ain't shipping it broskies? ManZ is traumatized and Dream is manipulating him. He is squeezing his hand cause he's in pain. Not some shipping shit horny children)

Unintentionally I squeezed Dream's hand. My mind flooded from my plans straight to the main idea. I needed Dream to let me write a note. People are more inclined to do things for me while I'm in pain so why don't I just ask now? With my light strength left I spoke.

To: "Dream, I know I won't see my family for a while. At least before we leave let me write techno a note to remember me by."

Bad eyed dream but you could tell Dream already had his answer.

D: "Tommy you ran away from me, hurt yourself, and now you want a favor? You can say one thing, what did you want to tell him."

I breathed in, and then out. Bad was still wrapping my leg and it still hurt. I had to make this priority though.

To: "Tell him I'll be injured for the next to months so we can't go to the dogs anytime soon."

I cut myself off from saying more by wincing at bass wrap. Dream then chuckled and somehow he sent it. I believe it was in chat but I wouldn't know. Dream disabled my chat on the way there so I can't see any messages.

Bad: "all done Tommy. Please remember, no activities for 2 months, and a regen potion every day. When I check on you in 4 weeks I don't want to see a terribly worse injury."

Before I could answer Dream spoke.

D: "What about schooling? Is there an issue with teaching him things?"

Of course, how could I be so stupid. I'm going to be stuck in the same place unable to move and Dream can just do whatever.

Bad: "that's nice of you to offer that for Tommy. I think that would be a great idea. Here's your potion for today Tommy."

I stared at the clear red container. I reached for it but Dream grabbed it first.

D: "I'll give it to Tommy after he eats."

Is Dream trying to stop me from moving? He didn't expect this so is he just a lucky guy. He then waved to bad as bad left the area. But after that, his eyes fell right back on me.

D: "I think it's obvious that I'm not giving you this by now. Listen carefully. Though I don't want you healing, I don't want you in pain either. I got pain killers for you. As a gift I'll tell you where we are going. We are going to my house. A house so far away nobody has found it. Your room is under ground around y-7. Tommy, your going to be alone again. Besides me of course."

Why am I going to be alone? I haven't done anything...

At that second Dream redid the ties.

D: "Tommy it's not that bad. Now I don't have to lock the room your in! It's not like you can walk out of it."

NOTE; I'm on a road trip. Don't judge. I love angst lolz. Alrighty, I'll be posting twice today and happy New Years :)

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