Still inside / Ch. 20

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Ahaha you fools bet you can't guess the POV,
It's Tommy pov :/
Location: he is laying in his bed kinda chillin

It's been one day since the incident and I've been left alone in the house. And boy is there news to share. Yesterday I scrolled through old chats, Dream set my chat to him only which I don't know how to fix but that's alright. I can still see the old stuff.

  Anyways I found a chat saying to techno that I had my netherite, pearls, and tnt. Did I? Ahah yes. I checked my inventory along with the chats and yes yes yes. There are two stacks of pearls and 8 of tnt. Pretty lit if I do say so myself.

    There stands to be an issue though, I can't put the armor on without help. My arms are injured so I can really only use the pearls but that would risk the possibility of me falling.

I carefully slipped out of my bed and walked through the rooms. It's unbelievable to me that now I can move without help and I can't get enough of it. Make it all count I guess? After roaming downstairs for a while I grabbed new clothes (more so put them under his hands cause yk) and approached the bathroom door. Though it will be difficult, I can still shower? The area that's injured on my arms is more of my wrist so I still have a few finger to use.

:lolz this is kinda a chill chapter but after the shower :) I'm giving you all an angst break before the next chapter

After showering I finally felt clean. All the dried blood that had resided under my wrap was now washed away into a drain somewhere far away. I could be me again, or so I thought.

I opened the door and settled on going to sit at the kitchen table. I couldn't make any food besides maybe a sandwich without extreme effort which I wasn't in the mood for. Letting memories of the sun and my brothers grace each thought I soon was in a daze. Nothing caught my attention besides the green flash I hadn't seen since one day ago.

Dream: "hello Tommy! I'm sure you remember when we casted your leg? Well we've got to do your arms now."

He had ruined my happy mood once again. I blankly stared at him before standing up with the intent of following him. He picked up on this and walked upstairs beside me. Each step contained flashbacks of last time when I fell, causing me to move my arms around dreams in fear.

Unlike most times when he would smile, he just kept looking forward ignoring my reaction. He was troubled by something but my only proof of that was the saddened expression he had held for this whole experience.

     When we arrived at the top of the stairs there was Punz and Bad sitting there. Bad looked different though, it was as if he hadn't slept in ages. His eyes had bags and his clothes were slightly dimmed.

     The eyes that once showed a proud red were now a dead ruby that had shattered across the iris. Along with that, they were bloodshot. You could see every vein glazing the eye with ease.

    Punz in the other hand was looking normal. He had his blond hair neatly brushed and netherite armor shining above his original clothing. Looks of disappointment met me when I looked into his eyes.

    Just like bad but in a good way, his blue eyes looked wrong. They were like bunches of pieces from all shades had come together forming a beautiful crystal.

      Still someone had to break the silence and that held true to always be dream,

Dream: "erm last time we casted something you kind of freaked out so we have Punz here to keep you still if that makes any sense."

    He sounded regretful with every word. The only person I could look at though, was bad. If I hadn't been told he was missing, I'd think the sympathetic he was giving me wouldn't have the same affect. Still it hurt to now he was probably here because of me.

   Dream then cut my thought off my grasping my shoulder and nudging me forward until I was between Bad and Punz on the couch. I tried to stand back up but Punz was restraining the top area of both my arms very uncomfortably.

      Bad sighed and pulled out two colors just as Dream had. Dream pulled them out inside the box, when I was all alone. Not the box, why the box. Was I ever in the box? No this isn't about the box. This is to help me stop thinking about the box.

My breath sped up

    No anything but that dumb box. I was there all night, I had to hear animals die to mobs and listen. I heard villagers get turned for fucks sake anything but that dumb box. The box is torture.

I managed to shove back Punz

    Dream came sprinting towards me to lift me back up from the ground. After shoving Punz back I had fallen forward but still I couldn't stop. What if Dream put me in the box again?

I hit Dream and ran to the door hardly able to breath

    Please let me out of this god forsaken house. It's just like the box. I'm watching bad die away at the hands of a monster and I myself am a villager child fast enough to run but not strong enough to save.

I clutched the handle and exited to the outside

  No I broke a rule, I went outside. Dream is going to put me into that stupid box again. I'll be alone again. All alone.

Dream placed his hand on my shoulder

Dream: "Tommy breath,"

     Dream kneeled down to my height trying to help but it was no use. The stress of each breath was so exhausting I just wanted sleep.

Tommy: "not the box, anything but that."

    I threw myself into Dream hoping for something he could do to help me. Dream picked me up like always and let my head fall into his shoulder.

Dream: "the weather right now isn't that good. Do you really want to go out now of all times?"

    He chuckled but I knew he felt the tears on my face and stress of my lungs while holding me still. We approached bad once again and he had a horrified look all over his face. Was bad scared of me?

Dream: "bad I have to go and I need Punz with me. I swear if you let Tommy go it's the end for you."

    Dream slowly placed me back to the couch. All I heard was receding steps until the door finally closed leaving bad and I alone. Shakily bad spoke up,

Bad: "hey Tommy! Long time no see huh?"

Tommy: "did he take you too?"

    Bad sighed before nodding.

Bad: "Tommy can I wrap those for you?"

   Shyly I nodded. I held my hands out to him as he undid what Dream put over them.

Bad: "holy muffin these are bad, what happened?"

Tommy: "I used chat to reach techno and dream got mad. Again."

     I looked down at my feet. One was so weak you could pick it out of thousands. As long as those thousands were healthy that is.

Bad: "I'm so sorry Tommy"

Tommy: "why does he keep you here? I don't know why he keeps me honestly but maybe you have a clue?"

Bad: "Dream knows I know. I was going to tell lmanburg about the misunderstanding of them hating you but i wasn't fast enough. Dream threw weakness on me and next thing I knew it was yesterday."

     Oh so he didn't break a leg on the way here. I'm the only one...

HANAKSUDHWN BISHES I LIED, Angst 🤪🤪🤪 sorry oml I just woke up and decided to write.

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