The story read to tommy

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( this is a completely optional read, it's what Tommy was read to at the end aka epilogue. Please note you don't know whose reading this. This is what I spent my 5 day break writing so enjoy :)

The sky brought night over the castle, and with that came total darkness. Once dead trees were sprinkled in the moonlight undesired and worn, while shadows loomed behind. A royal king once sat now featured his oldest son, who held treacherous memories of war. A cape of velvet sat around the oldest son, covered in a light fluff near the top creating warmth inside his freezing heart, trying to mend its twisted shape.
          Voices screeched from the wind crying out to him, wishing for blood and vengeance. It was as if the wind itself mourned the lost king. The oldest son was not as honorable nor as lovable as his father but held excellent knowledge to influence the kingdom for more significant generations. So why must he shut himself away?
         The youngest son laid still, resting his head upon his older brother. The oldest held his head still while the youngest let out an occasional sob on his behalf. For in this was not one was lost, but many. A hint of the youngest son's blond hair was caught onto the throne, so golden they blended together. It caused a feeling of regret to seep through his soul as it reminded him how the middle siblings had loved the outdoors and the sun itself.
    Courage suddenly blossomed inside him as he let out a soft group of words,

"Where is Henry now, or where do you think at least?"

   Is what the youngest sound spoke. He referred to this subject as if he held no remorse towards the oldest son's constant regrets. The oldest son then let his youngest brother's knotted hair go and stood up, the cape drifted behind him.

"I'm sure both of our siblings are in a better place, with all the flowers and sunny days they could ever dream for Achilles."

  The youngest brother was taken aback by his brother's words. Emet always called Seth by the name Achilles, and now was yet to be an exception. He denied all claims to reason but compared the two constantly. Seth sighed and turned towards his now standing older brother.

"Now that there's nothing left care to explain the choice of name?"

   His brother turned to face him. He looked into his sapphire eyes, now shining with tears mixed with tinted red from constant crying from his fears of death beside it. Achilles was a man with a singular weakness, one that exploited itself. Thoughts of immortality and recklessness led to his downfall, so why expect them to act the same?
   You see, Seth was reckless too. His actions are what brought down the family through the father died in his own accord.

"A comparison only works when two share a common denominator. What you share is that shame fire within, never let it burn Achilles."

    The youngest scoffed in response.

"Dare I mention your pink hair?"

    Emet then grasped a strand of his hair. It smelled of lilacs but had the color of pink parchment paper. He let out a soft gasp to ensure dramatic effect before replying with an exasperated sigh.

"Dare I mention your chores?"

  Seth's eyes lit up at the mention of something ordinary. Though it seemed long ago, the war only occurred around two weeks ago, and Seth was in the heart of it. He could vaguely remember Emet placing his sword, seeping with blood back into the iron sheath once belonging to his father.
      Looking up to see his brother, he then noticed the gleaming crown resting in his head. A new year was meant to bring new things, and he guessed this year was no exception. The fall of a king, the rise of a prince, they'd all say. Seth would beg to differ. Emet's eyes were once blue as Seths, but now he settled for a red gleam, almost mimicking the crown's central gem.

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