Running Child / Ch. 7

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Tommy POV:

     Sapnap grasped my hand, the feeling of cold waking me right up from my daze. Where I might go and how it might happen sent thoughts I didn't want to think of throughout my brain. The gravity of the situation finally being to sink in. While I finally focused, the light flurrying snow came to a pause just then.

Dream was now in sight. His mask looked old and muddy from my point of sight. The once white cover was gray and blurred with snow. My anxiety was dropping until that moment. Reaching down, he pulled two things from his bag, a bandana, and a rope. Flinching backwards at this discovery, I held Sapnap's hand tighter, as if I was scanning him for comfort.

Sapnaps eyes also fell on the rope. Sensing my discomfort he almost looked sympathetic. I wanted to leave at the moment George became visible. Dream had been exchanging words with him that looked almost sinister. Panic fell over me when I saw the horse dream had tied. Why use a horse? We can always walk back to lmanburg. Unless that's not where he was taking me?

I then slapped sapnaps hand away from mine. Out of pure terror I ran into the woods near techno's. With my heart beating almost out of my chest, I sprinted. The woods flew by me but I could hear dreams horse approach me. The galloping sound rung through my ears making it impossible for me to focus.

A bright idea sprung into my head just then. There are so many trees? Why don't I hide behind one? That would've worked but I made a mistake.
My only mistake was that I was just in shorts and t-shirt. And it was maybe -12 out? (It's in Fahrenheit)
I still ran. I ran until my legs went numb. To be fair I'd say I made it far before my legs failed on me.

I don't know if it was the weakness potion I think dream threw at me or the cold that made me fall, all I knew is I wouldn't be getting up without help. Honestly I didn't just fall from the cold. I don't think so at least.

My left leg was burning. Though the outside was cold and I was mainly numb, my leg was burning.
It felt like fire was surrounding giving painful warmth away. This moment changed my mind. I want to do the plan with techno but I can't comply with this.

Too bad at this rate I have to. All sense of thought was drifting away leaving me with two choices. Not much of a multiple choice kinda guy I'd say. I could call for help, or preferably freeze to death. If I froze though I'd be betraying techno. I can't betray him again. With that I breathed in, and screamed out maybe three times in a hoarse voice.


I was in the snow at this rate. The once slowed snow flurries had resumed. To only realize my savior had come I was falling away. I could hardly see around me let alone hear the noises caused by my surroundings.

My eyes fell once again to dream or what I could see of him. I could see his pitch black boots that I believe were gray before. He reached his hand down to where I could see it holding a green sweatshirt.

D: "Put it on."

Without a second thought I shook my head. I don't want to appear weak but between looking at dream and my burning leg tears fell from my eyes.

D: "Tommy I wasn't asking."

He then pulled me up, attempting to slip the sweatshirt over my freezing body. All this made me think was I am fool to think I had a choice here. Dream is stronger than me and clearly needed something. He wouldn't let me die.

Sapnap came rushing through the woods into my point of view. Turning towards dream he had said something. I tried to make it out but the cold pushed out my determination and deduction skills.

Slowly I started to feel myself warm up but what never changed was the feeling stuck in my leg. The snow was like a giant ice pack for it but I'd prefer not to mention it. Moment to moment I kept getting glances from Dream that I knew were wonders for why I wasn't trying to leave again.

There are many things I knew I could get sick of and I never knew looks were one of them. Dream is teaching me a lot I guess. Just then his icey glances to straight into my eyes. Grasping a bandana, one I recognized, he held it out to Sapnap. Sapnap then took it along with the rope residing on the horse.

D: "Stand up Tommy."

If I'm honest I don't think I can. There's barely any way for me to move the burning leg. As spoken before I don't like being weak, so I tried to anyways.
Touching the scraggly bark next to me I pushed myself up. Alternating the weight from both legs worked slightly but quickly turned into my right leg completely.

I wasn't thinking well but certainly I realized this before, if I let go off the tree, I'll simply fall. It's probably sprain right? That heals fast so I should be fine? Still the pain makes me feel sick.

D: "Tommy? Tommy look at me and Sapnap."

I would rather admit my leg is trash then throw up here. In my defense I did eat before running and I ran far. Facing my fears would be hard if I can't look Dream in the eye. I raised my head and looked towards them. As soon as they noticed my attention was on them, they spoke.

Sap: "Tommy I'm going to help you on the horse. Then I'm tying you to dream so you can't jump off. Your reckless and will probably hurt yourself. Now walk over here."

I collected my sanity and turned my mind towards possible outcomes. I could be made fun of for hurting myself or just get help. This kidnapping was unlikely so I don't find the second one to be. I reworked my courage and spoke up.

To: "I can't fucking use my left leg."

I checked out. God I could feel the tears stream my face faster then before even though I had cried twice before on that day. Both times were for manipulation but still counted. Yet instead of being shamed as I suspected, Sapnap chuckled a bit and that was all. He walked over to be and leaned towards my level.

He then moved his hand near my leg and squeezed it.


I had screamed without thinking, wincing in pain.

D: "what do you think it is?"

Sap: "main guess is broken."

D: "What do you suggest I do?"

Sap: "take him straight there. I'd say ditch the bandana after you leave the ice area in case he needs help. Ill get bad to help later."

And just with that I could feel myself he lifted onto a horse, tied tightly to a man, then having my mouth covered up my a bandanna.

another NOTE: OH GOD THAT WAS LIKE FOREVER. Sorry I didn't update yesterday but here's a longer chapter in exchange.

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