Passing Time / Ch. 10

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Yk whose POV it is guys.....

Dream isnt doing shit for me. I'm sick of this but I, like the genius I usually am, have a plan. Yesterday he helped me up, I sat outside in a kitchen room I'd call it then ate. After I ate lunch poof back into the other room. Confused? I've been here for maybe 6 days and I'm already sick of it. I can tell the crutches are rigged so no point there.

My plan is my netherite armor. I can fully equip it and then blow up my room. Honestly not a great use for my tnt but it'll do. Or I could wait until Dream comes. He usually leaves my leg undone so I can just chill on my bed. Around then I'd say I have 10-20 minutes before he comes to redo it.

The thing is he spoke to me yesterday after I woke up and I can't get it out of my head. He told me that if I ever tried to escape, he would catch me. He never threatened me or scared me all he said was he would catch me. He left such an ominous feeling cause he just left the room after.

I'd say he's taken pity on me and decided that an injured child doesn't deserve to be scared every second of their life but who knows? At this rate both my plans are worthless.

They both fall off because I need that stupid pain medication. I don't have a proper cast over my leg so it just sits in pain. If I don't have it I'm just a crying mess. He forgot it yesterday and I complained for a solid 30?

Well it's maybe 9 am so Dream should be here soon. I genuinely don't care about him but I'm alone so he's the best I've got.

The next few minutes felt like hours. The pain medication from yesterday was now wearing off since this was around the time I got it. Dream then cracked the door open. My eyes lit up at the sight of my enemy, what is going on?

Without talking he handed me a water then a small pill. Normally pills are bad from enemies but this time who knew? I took it from his hand and swallowed the pill. Water was never my jam but I knew it would be an argument so I took it.

D: "Tommy, guess what time it is?"

T: "literally or figuratively?"

My mind was more active now that I had nothing to do but think.

D: "literally"

T: "Maybe 9? 10? I don't fucking know."

I sighed sliding down the side of the bed. Instead of his chuckle he now wheezed. He was wheezing at me???

D: "My god Tommy it's 4 in the afternoon."

    I fucking swear this man has a death wish. When I get out of here I'm killing him right away. There is no reason why he has to keep me here and mock me. My mind decided just then to take a full 180. Without thinking I spat a few words out.

T: "I fucking hate you, you green bitch."

  He shifted his head to the side in response.

D: "You don't hate me."

      My face started heated up. Not in the good way. I could tell I had fucked up but who really minded? I did, I minded.  My once dim room was now covered in light provided by him. If he happened to get mad he could just shut off the light. It's like he's god or something.

He glared at me for a split second. Though his face wasn't visible, his ideals surely were. This man was still manipulating me but it's not his fault. I just took it out on him but it's not his fault? I'm terrible. It's all fucking lmanburg.

I gave it a few second before I spoke up,

T: "sorry that was uncalled for."

Dream nodded at the response. He took his hand out of his pocket and once again scribbled something down. He then turned to me for a second almost as if making a decision.

As a follow up he walked straight up to the bed I was stuck in. Now that I think about it I've never really looked at it. The blanket on it was velvet, comfy and pretty. And everything that's velvet nice color, unless it's brown, fucking hate that color.

Dream brought me back to reality by ripping the blanket from me. You may be like oh finally you don't have to lay in bed all day, no fuck off. I like laying in bed all day. I honestly thought I wouldn't but I got grabby hands and reached for the blanket back.

Upon noticing my response he folded it up and set it on the side. It was out of my reach so I just gave up. He then undid the thing around my foot. Was he really going to make me get up?

I do understand that it's actually like 4 pm or something but I feel tired. He gave me hope by walking towards the corner of the room. Dream grasped the crutches and brought them over.

This man is testing the limits of a child. Where did he even get crutches? I got hurt unplanned so where the hell did he get them?

D: "Bad wanted to check early. Try the crutches, you need to be able to use them."

T: "I can't tell if he will think I sound like a hostage or a kidnapped person."

   Well that had just slipped. You could feel the anger coming from him. Oops. He picked up the crutches and threw them onto the bed.

D: "fine, get up yourself. I'll be back in an hour."

   He turned his head away from me. He then got up. The chair he was sitting in near my bed made an eerie creaky sound in response. His footsteps receded as he left my room. My room that he didn't lock.

    It's now or never? I grasped the wooden objects under my arms and attempted to stand up with them. They pressured my shoulders for split second. I leaned forward a tad only to fall face first onto the wall.

    I put my hands onto the red wall, digging my nails lightly into the paint. I acknowledged that this would be hard but seriously? My mind then fell on the noise it made. How come Dream didn't hear it?
I had time...

   Immediately I got back up, remembering the looks of pity from Sapnap I assume they don't know where I am. A feeling of Exhilaration passed through me. I could finally escape? Me getting out!

     I turned the crutches and pushed one forwards after another. It became easier with every go. I'm in cord y-7 which means I need to climb some stairs. My crutches sped up and I quickly found the stairs.

   The difficulty would be climbing them. I reached them up a stair. The wooden crutches wobbled under the pressure.

One stair
Two stair
Three stair

     And so on until I reached the top area. I let out a heavy breath. Using crutches was more difficult then I thought it to be. I finally focused on my surroundings. I got a good look around just by standing there.

     There was a door with a light coming from the side and a door that was pure darkness. I could only assume the light was from the outside.

     My feeling of triumph gave me immunity to failures. Or that's what I thought. I crutched over and leaned on the wall near me. I then used my other hand to open the door.

   Just then I heard a noise, two people. It sounded like bad and Dream. The outside with trouble, or the stairs that I couldn't get down in time. Of course I have to choose the outside.

    Upon opening the door I saw it. The outdoors once again. It looked around time for sunset and I would get to see it. The door had led onto a porch that I quickly scanned. I found a wooden rocking chair just a big away that I went as fast as I could towards.

    That's when Dream yelled for me. I could hear it loud and clear but I just wanted to see the sunset.

D: "Tommy where are you?"

   His voice got nearer so I soon complied.

T: "Front porch."

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