Ch/ 38

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chapter that will be posted today...
Can you guess the POV??? Pop quiz lol? I'm giving you a hint, it hasn't changed 😳 (this chapter kinda gross in my opinion)

T: "B-bad, what a-are you g-going to do with me?"

My studders revoked my courage within seconds. Fear crept onto my shoulders sprouting weeds I'm the scare amount of courage left throughout my body.

B: "We are here to help you! The egg can help you once your healed enough to see it!"

I struggled against him but he placed his arms below my body and lifted me to the air. His hand grasped one of mine and begun squeezing it. He hadn't forgotten what Dream did and seemed to torture me with it.

T: "p-please d-don't."

My second arm flailed trying to cover my face, preparing to be hit for my actions against bad previously. I'd killed him, surely he wanted me to suffer.

B: "Tommy, calm down."

His grip loosened as I fell to what was basically a state of unconsciousness. The only issue was I was fully conscious. My fear prevented any movements or retaliation. Bad had me, and he wouldn't let go.

B: "that's all you have to do, isn't it better now your calm?"

Once again, he stroked his hand through my hair. Each time he moved, I shivered, which made this much more difficult. My stomach twisted from the extra food I'd eaten earlier. The nervousness I know held mixed with that made me want to hurl. Just like with Dream...

T: "b-bad, please p-put me down."

A tear dropped from my face. Looking helpless is something nobody ever wants so could someone for once just comfort me normally.

B: "I'll put you down when we get back. Ant, punz, are the tunnels prepared?"

From the look of things, ant nodded his head and lead us somewhere. After a few steps I had no choice but to clutch bads shirt. I may not have enjoyed the trip but falling wasn't on my radar.

Out of nowhere though, I knew I was correct. I need to throw up whatever I ate so it would stop pressuring my stomach. Without any hesitation, I rolled out of his hands. The once firm hold was diminished and I had fallen to the ground.

Just like before, a liquid seeped up my throat. It was so warm and weird so when I had the chance, I allowed my mouth to open. Pain swept down the disgusting feeling left away in my mouth as I started to finally let the liquid fall. Through my dizziness I managed to gag out all of whatever resided in my stomach before this endeavor.

Within what felt like seconds, a hand grasped my shoulder. I turned towards it to see bad staring at me sympathetically. Hair tossed back onto my face as I realized what he had done for me. He had held my hair back in order to prevent me from ruining my current hairstyle.

B: "We are almost there,"

Hands once again lifted me up but I was too drained to stop them.

(What do I hate? Who can remember? I hate ______. That's right! Writing travel scenes! So smart!)

When my minds old state was finally reinstated, it was too late. I'd been brought to a room. The windows I'd hoped to be there were gone and replaced with posters. These posters were for decoration purposes but they still gave me a shiver. 'Join the egg'

Just as I'd finally accepted my new fate, I felt myself being placed to a bed. Unlike most times, the bed was grey. It had a simple comforter and no attempt at decoration was made. Disappointment smeared across my face.

B: "do you not like the posters?"

    I looked up at Bad. Now shielded in my beds warmth, the shivers he gave me were at an all time low.

B: "I knew this was too far. Ant, we need to ease him in to the egg."

   It seemed almost as if bad didn't remember my favorite color was red.

Ant: "if we don't show him the egg he may never learn!"

Punz: "Ant is correct. Atleast start somewhere bad."

    Bad looked at me before turning back towards them.

Bad: "if Tommy ever tries to escape, place the eggs vines to keep him to his bed. Is that enough for you?"

    His voice echoed in my head before I could contemplate what he said. I'd be tied down with egg vines? What kind of monster does that to a person.

Bad: "Tommy, don't be scared of the vines, they won't hurt you."

    Somehow he could always point out my thoughts. Bad is just another dream with flair.

ant: "bad, go check on ponks status. Punz and I can look after Tommy for a while."

    Bad glanced towards me before he fully exited the room. Punz then took the pleasure of staring me down. My arms were just above the blanket resting upon my legs, for some reason he didn't like that.

Punz: "you know what?"

   Ant whispered a meek reply that I couldn't quite hear. He sounded almost embarrassed for himself.

Punz: "we put those vines on Tommy to speed up the process?"

     Helplessly, ant looked towards me. He was going to comply with anything punz had to say so why not just settle for the torture.

Ant: "I've already got some vines,"

      I'd assumed I had time but now I guess I was wrong. Ant extended his hand towards punz showing a few long strands of red. Each strand shone a shade of deep red I'd never seen before. It gave off an eerie feelings so without hesitation, I screamed.

T: "BAD!"

    A pair of eyes locked onto me grasping a hand over my mouth. Tears instantly flooded my eyes as this hand was over my nose as well. I couldn't differ who it was but the other was lightly wrapping vines around my feet while I flailed for air.

    My arms became restrained just the same. Both bound to the beds side. The hand lifted from my mouth leaving me repeatedly gasping  for air.

Punz: "be thankful I didn't have to cover your mouth any longer."

     His hand fell upon my forehead. He held it down for a second with little pressure before removing it.

Punz: "he could have a fever. Not a serious one but it's possible."

       Ant nodded and held a thermometer to my head. He moved it across multiple times until a familiar beep sounded.

Ant: "102. That's not healthy but it's not bad either. Just leave the fan on and let's go."

     My blanket was pulled back over me as the two exited the room. I was finally about to give in and sleep but as I got close, pain struck through my injured leg. The restraints tighten when I move, and my cast is cracked.

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