Venti x stressed! Reader

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A/n: I've been playing genshin a lot bc the new update and i got albedo from pity then I got Mona then the next day I got albedo c1‼️‼️ any luck I might've had left is now most definitely gone. I've been doing all this on my Venti acc tho so my poor "main" acc is just sitting there untouched rn💔 it has 7k primos and I'm trying SO hard to not spend them bc I want xiao on there💔‼️


I stared blankly at all my assignments listed on my computer screen.

This is so bad.

I let them pile up, and since it's online, I told myself that I would be able to get them done later and I'd be fine. If only I didn't procrastinate so much, maybe things wouldn't have gotten this bad. My lip trembled slightly as I scrolled down the list of my missing assignments.
I put my head in my hands, covering my face as I sniffled.

Why did I things get this bad?

"You okay?"

I jumped, jerking my head up to the voice that called out to me. To my surprise, Venti was standing outside of my door, peeking his head in.

"Uhm.. I'm fine," I lied to the boy as I plastered a small smile on my face, hoping I could convince him it didn't feel like the world was burning around me.
Venti seemed to see through my facade as he walked into my room towards me.

"You're terrible at lying," the boy raised an eyebrow as he looked down on me with a hand on his hip. He stood next to my bed as he stared at me, unconvinced with my words.

I averted my eyes as a genuine shy smile took place of my fake one.

"It's stupid really. I don't want to bother you with it, I'll be fine," I scratched the back of my neck as I looked over at my wall.

The boy lifted himself onto my bed, taking a seat behind me.

"If you're upset then it's probably not stupid. You can tell me, it doesn't bother me listening to what's bothering you," Venti stated as he rested his chin on my shoulder, looking over at my computer screen.

I didn't even have to say anything before he put two and two together.

"It's school, isn't it?"

I gave the boy a weak nod. I felt crushed as I stared at all my assignments once more, scrolling through them.

"I just can't believe I let it get this out of hand. I feel terrible," I whimpered, holding in a sob since I was unwilling to cry about the problem I created in front of Venti.

I felt Venti slide his hands over mine that rested on top of my keyboard, "shh it's okay, don't stress. You can get these assignments done, I'll help."

As much as I longed for the boy's help, I felt just as bad having him aid me with my own work.

"But.." I started before the boy interrupted me.

"Don't feel bad, I want to help you, or else I wouldn't have offered."

I sighed, looking down at Venti's hands that rested on top of my own. They felt warm. It felt comforting.

"I suggest we start with the assignments due soon. We can worry about your late work later, let's get what we can done now." Venti spoke up in my ear, making me jump.

"You okay?"

I nodded, "you just startled me."

Venti grinned, he seemed to have some witty comeback, but he never spoke of it. Probably for the best.

I moved my hand to move the cursor, causing Venti to lift his hand off mine. I whined at the sudden cold that hit my hand once the bard retracted his own. Venti seemed to take notice of my small outburst and giggled. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he looked over my shoulder at my screen.

After almost two hours, I had completed some assignments with Venti's help. I exhaled, leaning back into Venti due to exhaustion. The boy rested against my head board as he looked down at me with a smile.

"You did good."

I returned the bard's smile with one of my own as he began to play with the ends of my hair.

"Thank you for helping," I melted into the boy while letting him mess with my hair. Finally I made some progress, and although it wasn't all of my work, I was satisfied with what I got done today.

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