Venti x reader ( end of the world )

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A/N: Fun fact, this oneshot is brought to you based on a dream I had about a month ago. But instead of it being a girl  from my school it's gonna be Venti and imma try and fill in the holes that I never remembered to make it make sense LMAO
Double post?? No way 🙄🙄‼️‼️

    "This it it huh?" I asked as I looked at the bard next to me who was observing the horizon. Bright flashing lights shone in the distance, probably another town set to flames.

"It appears so," Venti concluded as he turned to fully face me now. I still looked out as I saw large figures slowly approaching in the distance.

"Robots are probably the last thing I thought would wipe out the human race after existing for thousands of years," the boy next to me mumbled.

The robots appeared suddenly, they were huge and they destroyed cities and towns, burning them down to the ground, killing all life in sight. No one knows how, or who made them, but it's too late now. Life as we once knew it was over, forever.

I sighed, it seemed I did that a lot these days. Venti turned me towards him, causing me to finally take my eyes off the machines that grew closer with every step. He placed his hands on the back of my head as he pulled me closer. The boy rested his forehead against mine, closing his eyes as he did so, which I followed shortly after.

"Let's not talk about the robots and the end anymore, i'm sick of it," Venti spoke softly as I relaxed against him.

"Fair enough," I agreed, no longer wanting to talk about our future execution. I opened my eyes, seeing Venti's lips form into a smile as he let out a small giggle, nodding his head.


I pulled away from the boy as I walked to the center of the room we shared. There was a small strip of blue light that hung over the bed we had been sharing. Somehow the lights haven't died yet, but I was still thankful, because if they had, we would've been in complete darkness.

"Want to dance?" Venti asked as he approached me. I laughed as I held out my hand, which he took, pulling me towards him.

"There is not even music to dance to," I giggled as Venti placed his hand on the small of my back while I rested my own hand on his shoulder, "would now be a bad time to tell you I don't now how to dance?" I grinned as I looked at the bard.

"Relax, just follow my lead then," the boy assured me as he began pulling me around the room. I did as instructed, following the bard's lead. He was better at this than I thought he'd be. Venti twirled me around, retracting me back towards him after. I rested my forehead on the front part of his shoulder as we continued to dance around for a bit longer.

Eventually we collapsed onto the bed next to each other, laying on our backs as we laughed together. Once we calmed down, Venti and I in unison turned our heads to face each other, I reached my hand out towards Venti, which he took in his own.

"If we make it out of this, and we meet each other again, do you want to get married?" Venti asked with the same gentle smile resting on his face as he gave my hand a small squeeze.

"Yes, I'd love to," I nodded as Venti pressed a small kiss onto my hand. I knew all too well that that would never be able to happen under these circumstances as well as he did, but it's nice to think of the possibility.

The loud footsteps could be heard now as the robots approached, each step they took rumbled our small apartment we took shelter in.

I moved towards Venti, "can you hold me one more time?" I asked the boy.

"Of course," the bard responded with his voice barely above a whisper as he took me into his embrace, holding me close. I rested my forehead on his chest and he brought up one of his hands, running his fingers through my hair. The robots seemed to be entering the city now, the sound of their robotic parts clanged against each other, filling the once quiet air with overwhelming noise. A few survivors could be heard screaming from a distance.
I looked up at Venti. He was glancing at the balcony with wide eyes. I turned my head to the side, seeing what caused him such shock. A robot was staring right at us through the open balcony. Venti quickly grabbed my cheek and turned my head, making me face him. I struggled to look back over at the robot as an arm started coming in at an incredibly slow pace.

"Look at me," Venti firmly held my face to look at him as he spoke in a soothing voice. He stroked my cheek with his thumb, a small smile on his face as he looked at me lovingly.

"I love you," Venti whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I love you too," my voice wavered as I realized this was the end. The bard pulled my face towards his own as he pressed his lips against mine. I could feel his own tear fall as he deepened the kiss, neither of us wanting to part.

The robot's hand closed around us.

If only we had more time.

A/N: last a/n here was disgusting. I'm not wholesome 😒 I'm mean

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