Venti x reader (#sad😢)

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A/N: this lowkey contains some main story spoilers from the newest story quest with Dain so yeah lol

You sat with your head in your arms whilst Venti watched from little ways away. Your stomach churned at the many thoughts that were currently occupying your mind as they corrupted every memory you once shared with the bard.

"So.." you finally sputtered out. It was a question you didn't want to ask, but you had to know the truth, "is it true? The incident?"

Venti avoided your gaze as he shifted his attention to a rock that he suddenly decided to take interest in. A tense silence suffocated the two of you as you sat there. Venti, your lover, someone you always thought you knew everything about as he did you, seemed to be slipping out of your grasp right before you. The image you once held of him so highly was now being painfully shattered.

"Venti..." you called out in desperation, clawing at the thought that maybe what your sibling said was a lie. But the solemn look on his face told you your counterpart was correct.

"Y/N, let's just forget about it, okay?"

Pain flickered through your eyes as you inhaled sharply at the boy's words. It felt like your world and everything you knew was falling apart. You wanted everything to be wrong, some type of reassurance that Venti never took part of committing such atrocities, but he offered you none of the such. Instead he pushed you away, declining all questions. Although he didn't say it, it was obvious as the atmosphere of the room darkened, and that was your answer.

"But.. why?" You asked, trying to hold everything together. He was the last person you wanted to cry in front of, but the tightness in your throat was starting to become unbearable.

"Drop it," he demanded in a hushed voice. For the first time since your sibling's poisonous words, the bard showed emotion. Anger, hurt, sorrow. It was written all of his face and posture. The boy truly wanted to talk about it, tell you everything and justify his actions, but he couldn't.

He took a few light steps in your direction, to which you scuttled back on the stairs in response. You needed time to yourself— to think. The boy crouched down in front of you with pleading eyes as he reached a hand out, pushing your hair back as he tucked it behind your ear.

"I'm sorry," he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper as he pulled you into his chest. Your body screamed for you to pull away, but you couldn't. Being held in his arms was always your biggest comfort, a fact both Venti and you were aware of. Still biting your tongue, you held back a sob. Was your lover really a murderer?

"What now?" You asked, trembling slightly in the bard's arms while he rubbed your back. The boy whose chin was resting on top of your head sniffled in return.

"It's up to you," he said, his voice wavering as if he too was now on the verge of tears. In truth, no matter how much you resented whatever he did, you couldn't leave him— after losing your sibling once more, the last thing you wanted was to leave your boyfriend. Even if his image was now tainted in your mind, you still loved him deep down.

"I can't leave you, I don't want to," you spoke, not allowing yourself to break down yet, even though the boy was now crying. It was obvious the way his body slightly shook as he choked out a few occasional hushed sobs, his grip on you tightening each time he did so.

"Then you don't have to, I don't want to lose you either," he replied. Neither of you said anything after that, you two instead sat in silence, both lost in your own haunting thoughts.


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