Drunk! Venti x reader

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*I didn't think I had to mention this, but this is a modern au shgdsghfsdh*

      I stomped into the tavern, swinging my head around, searching for the short boy in green. I spotted him sitting at a stool right in front of the bartender, near Diluc.

"Venti!" I shouted, making my way to the boy, pushing some people aside as I earned a few stares. Venti sluggishly turned his head towards me as he gave me a sheepish smile.

"I told you to not go out drinking, especially not alone!" I shouted, crossing my arms.

"Right, forgot, sorry," Venti responded, seeming unbothered by my outburst. I had my own personal reasons as to why I was so against drinking that I'd rather not think of.

"Hey Diluc," I called out to the red head, drawing his attention towards me, "how many glasses did he have?"

Diluc shook his head, "I lost count after about 10. I had other customers to attend to."

I sighed in frustration as I tapped my foot against the wooden floor, staring at Venti as he asked for another glass.

"No Venti! No more alcohol, that is enough for tonight," I objected.

Venti turned in his seat so he was now fully facing towards me, "oh, I forgot you were here. You look pretty," Venti's voice slurred as he eyed my figure, causing my face to heat up as I took a step back while turning my face away from him. Diluc let out a small chuckle to my response as he watched from behind the counter.

"Come on, we are going home," I said as I grabbed Venti by the arm, looping it with my own as I pulled him off the stool.

"Bye Diluc, see you around," I waved, turning to face the man behind the counter as I dragged Venti away.
He returned my gesture with his own wave as I leaned against the counter, placing his elbows on top of the wood.

I dragged Venti to our shared apartment, he dragged his feet the whole way back, almost tripping a few times as he said random things. Once I stumbled infront of the door, I quickly opened it, bringing Venti in as I drug him to the couch.

"Do you love me?" Venti asked as I got him a glass of water from the kitchen.

I clicked my tongue, "of course I do, why wouldn't I?"

I brought the glass over to Venti, setting it down on the coffee table before talking a seat next to Venti on the couch.

"Mm I don't know. I guess I just think I can be annoying, and a general pain in the ass sometimes," Venti hiccuped in between his sentence as he looked at me, his eyes fluttered for a brief second.

I shook my head, "well you can be a pain in the ass, but that doesn't change how I feel about you. I fell for you, and everything about you. Of course I still see your flaws, but I also see your perfections, and I think both are beautiful because I love you."
Venti took a sip of water as I finished my small speech.

"Wow," Venti breathed. As he looked at me, I could've sworn I saw a small twinkle in his eyes.

"You're so cute, come here," Venti slurred as he roughly grabbed me, pulling me towards him. He hugged me as he rocked us side to side.

"You reek of alcohol."

Venti placed his lips near my ear, "well then bathe me if it bothers you," his breath tickled my neck, making me squirm slightly.

Before I was able to respond, Venti pulled away, looking at me with the small stupid smile he always wore, "Ehe, just kidding!"

He lifted himself from the couch as he stumbled his way to the bathroom, "when I finish taking a shower we should watch that one movie about the cavemen! I heard they're making a part 2 soon,"

Venti suggested before he vanished into his bedroom to grab what I assume would be a clean pair of clothes to change into after his shower. I smiled to myself, what an idiot, a stupid, lovable idiot.

A/n: I've never written any drunk behavior before so I'm sorry if this is scientifically inaccurate 😒‼️ Anyways today I had a hangnail, so I bravely ripped it off and now I have a stupid small cut or something and it hurts‼️‼️‼️💔💔💔

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