Jealous! Venti x reader

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"Oh, you invited Childe over?" Venti asked while he rinsed some dishes in the sink.

Childe was one of my many friends I made while I was in Liyue. He was mischievous at times, but outside of that, we were pretty good friends.

I nodded as I leaned back against the marble counter with my elbows propping me up. I turned my head to the side to look at the bard, "Mhm, I figured it'd be nice to see him again, and you could finally meet him."

Venti finished washing the dishes, drying his hands before he placed a quick kiss on my cheek, "that's great y/n! I'm happy if you're happy," he smiled as he walked by.

I cleaned a bit more so the house looked presentable at least for when my friend arrives, though I'm sure he wouldn't care what the house looked like.

After about fifteen minutes, I heard a knock on the door. Upon opening it, a ginger stood there in front of me, greeting me with a smile, "hiya girlie, it's been awhile." He ruffed my hair before I stepped back to let him inside.

"Well you have quite the place here," Childe said as he observed the room while I smoothed my hair that he messed up just a few moments ago. Venti walked in, waving at the taller male.

"Hi! I assume you're y/n's friend that she invited over," Venti greeted, looking up at the boy.

Childe dipped his head, "yeah, my name is actually Tartaglia/Ajax, but y/n over there likes to call me Childe despite knowing my real name," the ginger laughed as he finished his sentence.
After a moment, the taller boy tilted his head to the side slightly before asking Venti, "so, who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Venti, y/n's boyfriend."

Childe let his head fall back as he looked up at the ceiling, "her boyfriend? That's a shame," Childe brought his head back up and looked at Venti once more with a smirk now on his face, "well if you don't treat her right, I will."

I stared at Venti as he seemed to be holding back some witty remark as he glared at the boy.

"It's okay Venti, don't mind him! He just likes to joke around," I tried to reassure the boy, laughing it off.
Venti looked at me, nodding as he seemed to calm down once more before cracking a smile at Childe.

"She'll be fine, but your face won't if I grab a step ladder."

"Okay guys, do you want to watch a movie? Let's watch a movie!" I exclaimed as I clasped my hands together, breaking the slowly suffocating tension between the boys. They both nodded, and sat down on opposite ends on the couch as I chose a movie. I ended up choosing my favorite since neither of the guy's made a suggestion of what they wanted to watch. I took a seat between them after I put in the movie disc.

As we watched the movie, Childe slowly seemed to gravitate towards me, seeming more interested in me than what was going on in the movie. Obviously Venti took notice of this once Childe started leaning against me.

"I'm going to go get water, y/n come with me," Venti stated as he got up from the couch, looking down at me as he offered me a hand.

"Oh, um okay. Do you want anything to drink Childe?" I asked the boy that was pressed against my side with his head on my shoulder.

"Noo, don't go, I'm comfortable," he whined instead, not answering my question.

"Water it is then," Venti answered for him as he grabbed my hand, pulling me up towards him.

Once we got in the kitchen, I went to the cabinet to grab three cups for the three of us. Two glass cups for Venti and I, and one plastic cup for Childe.
As I closed the cabinet, I felt a warm body press against my back.

"Your friend annoys me," Venti whispered in my ear before flipping me around to face him. The bard had me pressed against the counter as he averted his eyes away from me while a tint of blush began covering his cheeks.

"What does he not get about you being my girlfriend?" Venti huffed. He brought his face closer to mine, our lips just barely brushing against each other, "you're mine."
I felt my heart skipped a beat as he whispered the words.

"I know," I breathed as the bard began tracing his finger from the side of my cheek to just slightly underneath my chin.

"Good," he smiled, seeming satisfied before pressing a kiss against my lips. I melted into his touch as I felt Venti drop his hand that once rested under my chin, to my side as his arms slinked around my waist, pulling me closer against him.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled into the kiss, apologizing for upsetting the bard by letting Childe come over. I didn't think the ginger would act like this.

Venti pulled his face away from my own, his hands tightening slightly as they gripped my waist, "don't be. As long as I get to stand here with you now, hearing you say you're mine is good enough for me."

I smiled, which he returned. I heard Childe start to shift on the couch.

"Ah, we better get the drinks!!" I gasped, squirmed out of Venti's clutch, making him pout slightly as he watched me frantically run around the kitchen, getting everyone's drinks.

"Here Childe," I offered him his cup filled with water, which he took before I sat back down on the couch. Venti took a seat next to me as he did before, pausing to glance at the ginger as he sat down.

Eventually when Childe started to slowly move towards me again, Venti pulled me into his lap, glaring at the taller male as he did so. Childe seemed to try and give Venti a sad look while the bard stuck his tongue out at the male as I was oblivious to all of this.

A/n: I got Ganyu on my 81st pull 🙄😒😪😩‼️ I leveled up her up to level 70 so I still need to get some more stuff for her, but she's pretty good!! Basically a machine gun with a disco ball!! I think she's very pretty and I like her voice along with the gently bell noise she makes when she walks :)

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