Drunk! Venti x *sorta* drunk! Reader

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"And my whole life is just falling apart! I can't find my sibling, even with the help of now two gods, I have no leads," I cried, leaning over my cup of alcohol as I beat my fist against the wooden countertop.

"Tell me about it, life sucks," Beidou responded from next to me after she took a swig at her own beverage. I lost count of how much the both of us had to drink, but Diluc was staring at us behind the counter with a disappointed expression. A warm grip over my shoulders, making me jump back slightly in surprise.

Beidou laughed, pointing at the figure that leaned into me from behind, "you have a little leech attached to you. Isn't that Mondstadt's most well known bard.. uhh.. Vonte?"

I giggled at her attempt of naming the bard as he nuzzled into my neck, not seeming to care about being called the wrong name.

"His name is actually Venti, good try though."

Venti nodded as he rubbed his cheek against mine, tightening his grip around me slightly, "mhm I'm the best bard in all of Mondstadt!! The greatest!" He cheered himself on as his eyes closed, leaning against me for full support.

"Are you.. drunk?" I asked the bard. Come to think of it, I had completely forgot he was there up until a few moments ago, I was so caught up in talking to Beidou.

"..noo.." Venti mumbled. I rolled my eyes, knowing he was lying through his teeth currently. Beidou took another long sip of her drink as Venti began moving, throwing one leg over my lap, pushing himself on top of me.

"Can I get a refill mr. redhead?" Beidou asked, her voice slurring as she slid her cup towards the bartender. Diluc silently nodded as he poured the pirate another glass. He seemed to mumble a number I didn't quite catch from under his breath.

Venti now was fully sitting on my lap as his legs dangled over the side of the stool I sat on. He rested his chin on top of my shoulder, leaning his head against my own as he had his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a hug.

"Is he always that cuddly?" Diluc asked as he placed Beidou's refilled cup back in front of her.

I glanced at the boy as I began to run my fingers through his hair, causing him to melt into me further, "uhh, depends."

Diluc nodded, not seeming to be up for much conversation as he attended back to cleaning cups.
I stopped playing with the boy's hair as I pushed the cup towards the red head behind the counter.

"I'm done for tonight."

The bartender nodded, taking my cup away from me as he carefully placed it in the mountain of dirty dishes.

"Why'd you stoppp," Venti whinned as he turned his head to the side on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I remarked as I rolled my eyes, placing my hand back on his head, causing him to purr while he nuzzled his face back into my shoulder.

Beidou laughed at the boy's attitude, seeming entertained as I used my free hand to wrap an arm around the bard.

"So that's your boyfriend that you always talk about?"

I giggled as I nodded my head, feeling suddenly giddy, "yep this is him."

"Well he is cute, as in, I could easily punt him across the room type cute," Beidou smiled as Venti brought his head up to look directly at Venti.

"Why is the chihuahua glaring at me?" the pirate asked as she tilted her head, causing Diluc to snicker at her statement.

"Chihuahua???" Venti yelled.

"Oh look, it barks too!!" Beidou smirked.

I sighed as the two began to bicker, slurring their words occasionally. Random insults were thrown around the tavern, causing Diluc and I to laugh from time to time.

"Alright, alright, Beidou be nice to Venti," I finally spoke up, breaking the childish arguing between the two.

"Yeah, stop being mean pirate lady," Venti said as he stuck out his tongue.

Beidou took out her shielded pocket knife as she twirled it around her fingers before pointing it at the bard, unsheathing it.

"Keeping sticking your tongue out at me and I'll cut it right off and sell it," the lady threatened as she circled the knife slow towards Venti's tongue. Venti seemed to know better as he shuddered, repositioning his head so that it rested on my other shoulder, facing away from Beidou.

"No fair.." the boy mumbled under his breath, causing me to laugh while I pet his hair again.

"Your pet is fun to play with. Bring him more often, I could use a good laugh every once and a while," Beidou grinned at me.

I nodded as the boy seemed to bite his tongue, "You hear that Venti? You should join us more often!"

Venti didn't respond, seeming butthurt over Beidou's previous actions. I giggled and kissed his cheek after he didn't respond after a few seconds.

"I love you," I hummed as I pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you too," the boy grumbled.

A/n: Venti story quest spoilers‼️
why couldn't Venti take the form of an official adult 🤨 I'm tired of being hate crimed by tiktok kids for having a cute little crush on Venti
It's not fair !!!!!!
( I'm kidding I know he took the form of his friend bc he wanted to continue his legacy or something
</3 he a real one for that )

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