Playful! Venti x reader

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Venti slowly sat up on the bed next to me, causing me to stir as I fluttered my eyes open.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Venti grinned as I stared around the room before resting my gaze on him.

"What are you doing?" I asked while I rubbed my eyes.

"I figured I'd go out and play the lyre today. Today is usually one of my best days."

I lunged towards the boy as I wrapped my arms around the middle of his body, burying my face into his side.

"But I don't want you to," I whined, objecting against the bard's plans.

Venti giggled as I felt him gently rub the top of my head, "maybe I can get you something while I'm out if you want?"

I shook my head against him, "no stay here, just for today. Please!" I begged.

"Oh my, it's only 8 in the morning and you're already needy," the boy laughed as I held onto him tighter.

"Pleaseee," I pleaded, giving the bard the best puppy eyes I could muster.

He sighed, caving in, "okay okay fine. Just for today though."

I smiled as I curled against the side of his body while he laid back down. He pressed a hand on my back as I lazily hung an arm over him.

"The things I do for you," the boy mumbled as he kissed the top of my head.

"You know you love mee," I giggled as I lifted my head to look at Venti, to which he rolled his eyes.

Just as I had leaned in closer towards the boy for a kiss, the door slammed open, alerting Venti and I as we whipped our heads to look at the source of the noise.

"Ayo you guys wanna go gliding later-" childe stumbled into the room and stopped mid-sentence as he saw Venti and I.
I breathed a huff of annoyance, he really has the worst timing.

"Oh sorry did I interrupt something?" The ginger looked flustered as he stared at the bard and I.

Venti spoke before I got the chance, sitting up as he pushed me off of him, "no, it's fine. We can go gliding later, sounds fun."

"What!!" I complained, throwing my hands in the air before flipping over to face the opposite direction of the bard. Venti suppressed a giggle from next to me as he reached over and rubbed my arm while I laid there.

"Aw don't be mad, I'm only messing with you."

"No you're mean," I pouted.

Venti couldn't help but laugh as he flipped me over and pulled me onto his lap, cradling me.
I wanted to protest to be petty, but it felt nice to be held.

"Damn you.." I grumbled, leaning the side of my head into his chest as I pulled my knees closer towards me while he held me in his arms.

A/n: the school changed my schedule last minute without telling me and now I have pre calc and no classes with my friends‼️ wtf
I'm probably gonna talk to the office/counselor tomorrow because that's absolute bs 😒 #freeme #justforspringstuff #ineedanewuserdamn

Venti x reader oneshots ( genshin impact ) Where stories live. Discover now