Venti x reader !scared of thunder!

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The sound of rain pattering against my window alerted me that another storm has arrived.

"It's raining again," I called out as I let my hands grip the cool window ledge while I looked outside. Venti sat with his legs overlapping each other on the couch as he gently strummed his wooden lyre, which produced a beautiful melody as it always did. Venti was Mondstadt's well-known, and very talented bard that outshined the rest. Playing the lyre was pretty much all the boy did to make a living as he freely roamed about, but from time to time he'd come visit me.

I turned around, my back leaning around the window with the ledge prodding slightly at my lower back while my hands rested on the same ledge behind me. Between the sound of the lyre and the rain, I felt at ease causing a smile to make its way to my face. I was overjoyed at the simple fact that the bard came over. At that moment, the boy looked up with shining eyes, his mouth slightly agape as he locked his eyes with my own.

"What are you smiling for?"

I pushed myself off the ledge with my hands as I did a small bounce towards the boy, making a turn to stand behind the couch where he sat. He watched my movements with curiosity as I approached him, his head tilting to the left.

"I'm just happy you're here," I answered his question as I rested my body against the back of the couch, letting my arms dangle over the cushion. Venti dipped his head as his lips tugged into a smile, my words leaving a positive impact on him as he straightened his posture.

"I like being with you, you make me happy too."

I grinned as Venti looked back down at his lyre and continued his tune he was playing just earlier before he had paused to look at me. I let my chin rest on the top of the couch as I watched the bard play. His movements were elegant as his fingers brushed the strings.

It was all peaceful until lightning stuck, causing a low rumble in the sky. I stiffened at the sudden loud noise, which caught Venti's attention as he averted his attention away from the lyre to look back up at me.

"Scared of thunder?"

I gave the boy an awkward laugh as I scratched the back of my neck, feeling slightly embarrassed of my fear.

"Yeah, ever since I was little unfortunately. The loud and unexpected noises usually make me jump," I admitted.

I watched as Venti set his lyre down on the coffee table that rested in front of the couch before turning back to me. He stretched out an arm, waving me over towards him.

"Come here."

I rounded the corner of the couch, approaching the boy as he patted the cushion next to him, signaling for me to sit. The cushion shifted slightly as I took a seat next to Venti. Just as I got comfortable next to the boy, another loud boom rippled through the sky, making me jerk my head towards the window. Barely anything was visible due to the storm covering the sun, blocking the light from reaching us. I felt hands wrap around my waist, pulling me backwards.

"Venti?" I asked aloud, knowing it was him but questioning regardless. He hummed in response as he pulled me closer towards him, only stopping once my back rested against him chest.

"Do you have any fears?"

Venti paused for a brief moment, thinking of an answer to my question.

"Not really at this point, besides losing the people I care about the most," the boy finally answered as he began playing with the ends of my hair.

"So.. me?" I asked as another smile crept onto my face as I leaned my head back to stare at him.

He looked down as he returned my smile with one of his own, placing a short kiss onto my forehead, "especially you."

I brought my head back down, my smile still evident on my face as I felt giddy from the boy's touch. The rain began to fall against the window faster at a harder pace. Thunder rumbled in the sky again, causing me to take a sharp inhale. I felt Venti's arms tighten around me before he laid back on the arm of the couch, taking me down with him as his arms remained around me.

"It's okay, I'm here," Venti comforted me in a soothing tone as he lifted a hand to stroke the side of my face. I felt his body shake slightly as he giggled at something.

"I could be like your own thundershirt," he laughed as he let his head lean over the arm of the couch, "you know like the ones that dog's have to wear on New years because the fireworks scare them."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "yeah totally."

Venti brought his head back up and rested it on my shoulder as he glanced at me, grin still plastered on his face.

"You know you'd love that," the boy remarked as he pressed a kiss on my cheek.

"So true!"

A/N: So true bestie! Anyways I pulled Jean on the Xiao banner </3 she's not bad, BUT IM POOR and sometimes I keep thinking, "that could've been xiao </3" but whatever, it means i'm guaranteed hu tao and that's good enough for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I know this chapter is oddly specific as in fear of thunder, but despite of that, I don't have that fear, I just thought it'd be cute to write about since it started raining where I live. Super fun


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