Venti x depressed! reader

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Shiiiiii everyone been requesting this, and i've been holding it off for a while, but it keeps getting requested and I can't avoid it any longer.

So this is your tw!! There will be sh/mentions of it, so if that makes you uncomfortable, I'm going to have to ask you to skip this chapter. I'm sorry!!!

I sat on the edge of my bed, blankly staring at the wall. It was all I had the energy to do after all. Everyday felt the same, and it was starting to become draining just to do simple everyday tasks. I felt like a mess, but I didn't have to energy to fix it. I wanted to do things like fix my grades, clean my room, and properly take care of myself, but it was hard. Venti didn't seem mind though, as he would come in and either clean my room or help me clean it occansionally, and he was more understanding than other people I've been close to. He never judged me even at my lowest point, and he instead comforted me whenever I needed it.

A couple of footsteps approaching my room caught my attention, causing me to strain my hearing as best as I could. It was probably only Venti, but he usually didn't stay up this late unless he was out drinking.

"Hiya," the boy greeted me in a cheery tone as he always did. I gave him my best smile as I watched him kick an empty water bottle out of his way while walking towards me. The bed shifted slightly as Venti lifted himself onto the spot next to me.

"Still awake huh?" he asked, already knowing the answer as I was clearly conscious in front of him, but I nodded anyways, "well I just wanted to come see you, I miss you," the boy grinned as he let himself dramatically fall into my arms

I raised my eyebrow at him while he repositioned himself with his head in my lap, "why would you miss me? We are in the same house, you can see me at anytime." He looked up at me with big round eyes, nuzzling further against me.

"I haven't seen you in an hour though," the bard whined, prolonging the, 'though' as he spoke. I rubbed the top of his head while I scoffed, although I secretly enjoyed the attention. While I retracted my arm back to rest next to me, Venti glanced at it. I noticed his shift in mood as the room quieted down from his once lively atmosphere.

"What's wrong?" I asked, although I already had my suspicions.

I knew what as wrong. He must've caught on when he saw my arm. I told myself I'd quit, but it was one of my coping mechanisms, and it was hard to just stop doing. Cutting was one of the ways I managed to feel something, and it was a distraction for me. I knew it wasn't healthy, but I don't know what else to do.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as the boy lifted himself off my of lap, sitting next to me again. I avoided telling him all my problems and how fucked up I was. He already knew, but I'd rather not remind him.

The bard gently grabbed my arm, slowly skimming his eyes up and down across it. I shifted slightly in the suffocating silence, waiting for a possible outburst, as my parents did when they caught me before. The screaming and victimzing was so tiring. It was always things like, "where did I go wrong as a mother?" and such.

"Why?" was the only words that softly left his lips as he pulled me into his chest. He didn't seem angry or hysterical, which was the reaction I was used to receiving.

I paused before responding while he rubbed his thumb on my upper arm, "it reminds me I'm still alive. It distracts me from everything I'm feeling."

The boy nodded as he held me a little tighter. He took a minute before speaking again, "you know you can tell me anything, right?"

I hesitantly nodded before responding as I tried to find the right words.

"I just don't want to burden you with my problems," I finally said. It may sound stupid on paper, but it's how I felt. The last thing I wanted was to be a nuisance to the bard. He probably had his own issues to worry about.

Venti let out a soft giggle for a brief moment, "you aren't a burden. If you need to talk to someone about your problems, I'll gladly listen," I felt the boy place a small kiss on the top of my head, "I hope you know you are my favorite person, and you and your mental state means so much to me."

I smiled. It was the first time I felt comfortable after having to expose myself. This time, I wasn't feeling worse than before after admitting to my habits. The boy had instead a calming aura around him as I rested in his arms.

"Thank you," I whispered, closing my eyes as I snuggled into his chest.

A/N: I started this before Tartaglia rerun, got fucking dumbass c2 keqing (go to hell keqing), finished this, now I don't know what to do. I don't got no more goals guys, that was keeping me going with something to look forward to. Man...... 55 wishes.. 39 previous pulls... wasted. On stupid Keqing. Fuck her.

( To any ogs, i have childe on my alt acc that i never go on, but not on my main :( that's why i'm sad LOL )

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