Evil! Venti x reader

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A/n: this is lowkey inspired by that one bad ending in Jumin's route and Saeran's route 🪑🤗
Edit: so sorry for the picture


*requested sorta*

How long has it been? I don't know. Half of these days I have no clue when it's day or night. I've lost track of time.

I never thought my once loving boyfriend would ever do such a cruel thing to me, but one day he changed without warning. I have no clue what happened to him, but the look in his eyes changed as his personality altered.

"But why Venti? Why are you doing this? What have I done?" I sobbed as the boy stood in the doorway of the dark room.

"I won't let anything happen to you. That's why you are going to stay here forever, untainted," the bard spit as he slammed the door shut. I screamed, reaching out to the now locked door as the darkness consumed me. The chains I was shackled in rubbed against my wrist as I sat on the dirty ground.

Won't let anything happen to me? Then why..

I snapped my head up as the steel door opened.

"Here, I got you an apple," Venti spoke as he crouched down in front of me, placing it in between my hands that rested on the ground.

I looked up at him in defeat. Is this what he wanted?
All joy and happiness I once felt was now gone, and it's all the bard's fault. How could he sit in front of me smiling right now? Does he not see the suffering he is causing me?

"Have.." I croaked as my body began to shake.

"Hm?" The boy hummed as he tilted his head.

"Have I not suffered enough? Does seeing me like this bring you joy?"

Venti stiffened as he stood up, backing away from me.

"I'm doing what's best for you! Why can't you see that?" The boy shouted.

I raised my shackled hands up in front of me, extending them out towards the bard.

"Kill me."

Venti's face dropped from a look of rage to one of mixed emotions.

"But.. why? I've worked so hard for you.. everything I've done has been for you because I love you," the boy's voice cracked as he grabbed my hands.

I shook my head, laughing as my tears threatened to spill.

"No Venti. You're selfish. If you did all this for me because you love me, why lock me up? Last time I checked, if you love someone, you don't imprison them for things that are out of your control. You are a coward."

Venti's eye's lit up with rage. He truly believed what he was doing for me was right and justified. Just as he raised a hand to hit me, I spoke out.

"Where did my Venti go.. my sweet, innocent Venti that would do anything for me in a heartbeat. The boy that would play a lullaby on his lyre to sing me to sleep. The witty bard that always knew the right things to say. Where is he?" I asked as I broke down into a sob. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but bringing back up the memories hurts so much. I thought that boy was the love of my life.

Venti desperately cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look at him as his own tears began to roll down his face, "I'm right here!! I'm right here.." he cried.

I observed him as his body shook in front of me as I choked on my own cries.

"No you're not. It's not fair.. I loved you. I wanted to marry you. Give me the boy I love back," I screamed as more tears slipped down my face. I weakly hit the boy as I yelled.

Venti dropped his hands from my face, he sat there, still as a few tears continued to fall. He seemed broken now. I watched as his eye's flashed, it was like a window, showing me his old self.

"Venti?" I touched the boy's cheek, hoping a piece of the old him was still there.

The boy slowly reached his hand up to cover my own on his face as he brought his eye's to lock with my own. His body shivered as he looked at me in fear.

"What.. what have I done..?" He sounded scared as his voice shook upon seeing my frail figure.

The once strong-willed girl sat in front of him, locked away from the world. She was broken and he is to blame.

"No..." he yelled as he roughly grabbed his head, rapidly shaking it side to side.

I watched him fall apart in front of me as he cried.

He grabbed my shoulders, lowering his head down to look at the concrete.

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault," he whispered as his grip on me tightened.

He is back. I don't know how, but the old Venti I once loved dearly has come back home.

A/n: hopefully you guys don't hate Venti for that 🙄‼️ I really wanted to write something with angst or whatever 😒

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