Flirty! Venti x reader ( 7 minutes in heaven )

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I personally don't think this is like super bad, but I had to run a few laps while writing this
It's not smut tho just kissing so dw 😳 but I'm weak so I still get all like 🦋🦋 while writing this type of stuff


      "Your turn to spin the bottle!" Beidou grinned as she watched me reach out towards the bottle. It was just Ningguang, Beidou, Childe, Venti, and I grouped around in a circle. We decided to hang out and then Childe suggested the idea we play 'spin the bottle' so we all took to it.

I spun the bottle and we all leaned in to watch it whirl around.

"I hope it lands on me," Childe looked up to the ceiling as he clasped his hands together like he was praying.
Venti rolled his eyes at the ginger as the bottle began coming to a slow stop. The glass bottle pointed at Venti as we all watched it come to a halt.

"No fair," Childe grumbled.

"I'm literally dating him Childe, we would've just talked or something if it landed on you," I snorted at the boy's childish response.

"Whattt, you can't do that!" Ningguang objected as she shook her head.

I pressed a hand to my mouth as I smiled, averting my eyes to the side as if I was ashamed, "my bad~"

Venti giggled at my response as he stood up, extending his hand out towards my own, which I gladly took. The bard pulled me up rather fast, sending me crashing into him.

"Calm down, we aren't even in the closet yet," Venti smirked as he held the small of my back against him.

"You did that on purpose," I grumbled as I straightened myself, regaining my composure.

The white haired girl cleared her throat, bringing all the attention on herself as she stood with a hand on her hip. Boredom glinted in her eyes as she made a pause before speaking.

"Are you guys ready now?"

Childe crossed his arms with a scowl on his face as he sat on the carpet, "stupid happy couples."

I ignored the ginger as Beidou flicked his forehead, making him yelp in pain.

"Yeah we're ready," I nodded.

Ningguang led Venti and I to a closet that was not so far from where we were all previously sitting together.
She shoved us in the closet as she shut it behind us, leaving Venti and I in the dark.

"Damn it is pitch black in here," I mumbled as my eyes began adjusting to the dark. I could see the coats that hung around the closet which now rested around Venti and I.

"Well it's a closed closet, what did you expect?" Venti retorted with a grin, making me roll my eyes.

"Okay, time is starting now guys," Ningguang called from outside of the door, I listened as her heels clicked away back to the group before I turned towards Venti.

"Soo," my lips twisted into a grin as I lazily rested my arms on top of Venti's shoulders, leaning my chest against his, making him fall back a bit.

"You need something?" Venti hummed, pretending to be oblivious as he placed his thumb so it was pressed against the bottom of my chin.

I rolled my eyes as I felt Venti's playful stare in the dark, "you know what I want."

"I do? I don't recall."

I groaned as Venti laughed.

"Ask for it," the boy smirked while I huffed, clearly annoyed.

"I want you to kiss me duh," I grumbled.

Venti looked at me dumbfounded, "huh, what was that? You're going to have to speak up, I didn't hear you quite right."

"I want you to kiss me," I stated, irritation in my tone as I stared into the boy's eyes, which held a humorous glint to them.

"Oh! Why didn't you just say that the first time?" Venti laughed as he leaned closer to my face, stopping right before his lips were about to brush my own.
I tilted my head to the side as he hovered there, making no movement.

"Hmm," the boy hummed as he grinned, "you forgot the magic word."

My mouth dropped. What?

"Seriously, right now?" I almost pleaded, not feeling like begging for a kiss right now.

"I didn't realize manners only applied in certain situations," Venti raised his eyebrows while the same stupid grin rested on his face, he was teasing me.

"Please," I pleaded, feeling desperate now as I gave in.

Venti seemed satisfied with my response, "good girl," he whispered before finally pressing his lips against mine.
I melted into his touched as his hand that once held my chin now grabbed the back of my head, holding me against his lips.

Venti deepened the kiss, causing me to push my body further against him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I let his tongue roam around my mouth before it reached my own. Our tongues danced around together before the boy pulled away, gasping for breath while I followed his lead.
I pressed my forehead against his, his hair feeling cool against my head as Venti gave me a lazy grin. I felt the bard slink his arms around my waist.

"You're really good at that you know," I breathed as the boy rocked us slowly side to side.

"I know," Venti mumbled as he pressed one more small kiss on my lips.

A knock on the door startled Venti and I as our heads snapped towards the closet door.

"Times up guys," Ningguang called out before opening the door. I made a shy giggle while the intimidating women stared at Venti and I as I was leaned against Venti.

"Aw come on, a little longer?~" Venti joked as he looked at Ningguang with a playful smile.

Ningguang rolled her eyes as she opened the door wider, letting the artificial light shine into the dark closet, "no. Get out."

"No fun," Venti laughed as he stepped out of the closet, dragging me with him by the waist.


Venti dragged me across the room back to our small group before plopping down on a black beanbag chair that rested against a wall. He took me down with him as he sat, letting me sit on his lap.

"I'm opting out," Venti announced as he began playing with my hair.

"Yeah, me too actually," I spoke after Venti, deciding I was comfortable and wasn't moving from where I sat. I rested my head back on Venti's shoulder as Venti quickly moved my hair to the side.

"Aw you guys are so boring," Beidou complained as she leaned back on her elbows that rested on the floor.

Venti just grinned as he started braiding my hair.

A/n: AYOO guess what
This kid in my first period tested positive for covid so everyone that sat AROUND him got quarantined, meaning not me 😐 but one of my friends did as well as two other kids from my 2nd period, so that's cool. I still gotta go to school tho as my mom ordered, so that's not very cash money 😒✌️

Venti x reader oneshots ( genshin impact ) Where stories live. Discover now