Venti x dying! Reader

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( I changed the title bc it suited the story better 🙄‼️‼️🙏 )


  Dvalin's toxins made by the abyss shatter. We finally won the drawn out battle with the dragon.
I collapsed on the pavement in the sky as the dragon roared, then before I knew it, the ground gave out beneath me as I began to plummet down to what I presumed to be my death.

My eyes fluttered open as I winced at the searing pain on my side. I glanced down at the wound.

"Still bleeding?" Venti, the small bard asked as sat next to me, he staring down at my figure.

"Yeah, I mean it's a huge gash on my side. A paper cut basically," I joked, but the boy didn't laugh as he instead looked at my injury with concern. I followed his gaze, staring at the bloodied mess on the side of my body once more. Things definitely aren't looking good. The fight with Dvalin left me more battered than I imagined.

I watched as Venti began taking off his teal cape. He inched closer to me as he began trying to wrap the cloth around my body.

"Just what are you doing?" I asked, shifting to make the boy's work easier, irritating my wound as I felt pain shoot up my body.

"I think tightening something around a wound is supposed to help?" the boy sounded desperate as he tightened the cape, fastening it around me as I winced, making him whisper a small, "sorry."

I felt myself growing weaker as Venti stared at me with worry. My vision started to become blurry as I coughed up some blood.

"That doesn't taste good," I managed a short laugh as Venti carefully took me in his arms, pulling my torso into his lap. The bard was at the verge of tears as his bottom lip began to tremble.

"Hey, don't worry about me. I'm fine," I gave Venti the best grin I could muster with my rapidly decreasing strength. We both knew that was a lie.

Venti pulled me closer towards him as he hugged me.

"No, no, you aren't supposed to die here. Please don't leave me too," Venti cried out as I heard him sniffle.

"I love you," I mumbled as things began fading to black.

"I love you too.. please don't give up yet," the boy clutched onto me like I was the only thing holding him together. I closed my eyes as everything went dark.

No one's POV:

Venti let a tear fall as he pulled away from the girl's body, looking down at her. Her breathing came to a stop as she laid lifeless in his arms. Venti took in a shaky breath as he stared at y/n's deceased form, before finally exhaling.

"If only I could've done something more. Why didn't I do something?" He wailed with no answer.

The girl, once filled with life, who had a promising future full of potential, was gone. The bard cried as he held her, praying for a miracle that she would wake up from her eternal slumber, but she never did.

She was gone.

I feel like I'm dead 🗿
I'm alive ✌️😏
But I'm dead 🤕

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