Venti x reader !on period!

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POV: the nice women is feeding childe bread crumbs meant for the ducks ❤️


I sighed as I began to lie down in a tight ball on the carpet.

"What are you doing now?" Venti inquired as he looked up from a book he was reading with one eyebrow raised.

"Dying. Make sure my funeral is grand."

Venti rolled his eye's as he heaved himself off of the couch, crouching down next to me as he felt my forehead.

The boy retracted his hand after a few seconds, "your head doesn't feel very hot to me. You'll be fine, you aren't dying yet."

"No, I'm in immense pain, you don't understand," I objected the boy as he grabbed his book and then returned to sit cross legged next to my huddled figure.

"Venti.." I whined as the boy paid no attention to me. I sniffled a bit, at the verge of tears. Venti seemed to notice this as he looked back up from his book once more.

"Why do you look like you're about to cry? What's wrong?" The bard questioned as he rested his head in one of his hands, his book being held by the other.

I scooted closer to the boy, wincing at the pain in my pelvis, "the lady of red has arrived, making her mark."

Venti tilted his head as he looked down at me, one of his twin braids falling to the side, "can you repeat that in a way that makes more sense? I'm not quite getting the memo.."

I huffed in frustration, puffing my cheeks after as I glared at the boy. How could he not know what I'm talking about?

"My period Venti. I'm on my period."

Venti's eye's widened as he slowly put the pieces together of how I tried to mention it earlier. "Ohhh.." was all that came out of his lips as he looked at me, debating on the right words say next.

"Um.. do you want or need anything? I don't really know how to handle this type of stuff, I'm sorry."

I grinned at the flustered boy as he averted his eye's away from me. "Nah, but if you could spare some attention and maybe cuddle me I wouldn't complain."

If the boy couldn't get that through his skull, I'd have to throw him out, but he seemed to understand as he nodded.

"Well.. can I read my book as we cuddle?" Venti asked carefully, not wanting to upset me.

"Venti.." I whined.

"Ok, ok. Fine, come here then," the boy sighed, setting his book to the side as he opened his arms out to me.
I crawled over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso as I nuzzled my head against the crook of his neck.

"You know, you're kinda needy," Venti sighed, clearly missing the company of the book he was so invested in as he gently scratched my back.

"Only for you," I mumbled against his neck, tickling him slightly, making him twitch. "Can you scratch over there," I asked, giving Venti no specific direction. The bard sat in confusion as he ran his hand along my back, trying to figure out where "there" meant.

*this part isn't bad, but if you're like me and you run laps easily over things, this is your warning*

After about 10 minutes have passed, I felt Venti try and reached for his book once more. He tried to be subtle with it, but he wasn't so successful as I felt him shift slightly to get it. But I had a plan, a great one in fact. I was not losing his attention to a book, not yet at least.
I gently kissed his neck, causing the boy the stir.

"What are you doing?" The boy gasped as I felt his breath hitch. My lips curled into a grin against his neck as I didn't respond. I was going to take his ticklishness to full advantage.

"I'm just kissing my boyfriend.. I don't see the problem with that," I replied innocently.

"No you know exactly what you're doing! You know I'm ticklish," Venti objected as I kissed him again, causing him to squirm from under me.
The bard put down his book and went for my sides, making me wriggle from his touch.

"No please," I pleaded as he relentlessly attacked me.

"I repent! I repent!!" I cried finally making the boy stop as he looked down at me with a grin of triumph. I now laid with my back against him as my head laid on his chest, a scowl rested on my face as I got the bitter taste of defeat.

"Cheer up, I love you," Venti smiled before raising his head down to press a soft kiss on my forehead.

"That didn't help my cramps at all."

Venti gave me a look a concern as the realization that I was on my period hit him once more.

"Ahh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't even think about it," the boy apologized, seeming worried about my well-being.

I smiled at the boy, he is so innocent it is adorable.
"You're fine, no harm was done, I love you too."
Venti exhaled a sigh of relief. 

A/N: the way my forensics teacher assigned us some math she never taught us and I still haven't turned it in 😍 the s*xual tension between me and that math packet 😏

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