*sorta* jealous! Venti x reader

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I leaned over Albedo's shoulder, watching him carefully drop something into the glass flask which contained some sort of green liquid.

Random a/n: sorry I just really need to get this out there. What if albedo was a drug dealer and also a alchemist as a coverup SHSUJWBWWB

"What are you doing?" I asked, which caused him to shush me as he put a finger to my lips. I grunted at his dismissal and continued to watch as the liquid began to bubble and change colors in the glass. It shifted to a striking pink as it slowly started to fizz down.

I sighed as I back away from the blonde and rested my back against the table behind me, making sure to not knock anything off it.

"Secretive as always huh?"

Albedo returned my sigh with one of his own after my statement as he turned around to look at me. His face held a blank expression as usual, I could never tell what he was thinking.

"I'll tell you everything later," the male looked up and over to my right for a brief moment before speaking again, "when we're alone."

"Huh? Alone? Aren't we already?" My mouth began spilling questions one after the next due to my confusion. Albedo only shook his head as he turned back to face his experiment, observing the outcome of whatever he had did to the liquid.
I tapped my foot against the ground as I looked around, but I never saw another person.
What is he talking about?

"Alright y/n, I'm going to go grab a few things in Mondstadt, so just stay here for me and make sure my experiment over there doesn't go haywire," Albedo announced as he grabbed something's off the table I was leaning against.

"Be good, okay?" Albedo asked while he tilted his head and pointed a finger towards me, a subtle smile rested on his lips.

I nodded, clasping my hands together as I took a step towards the alchemist, "of course! Don't worry about anything, I got it covered," I gave him a thumbs up with the most convincing smile I could manage. The blonde nodded and headed out to the city as I stayed at his testing site.

"Hiya," a voice spoke into my ear from behind, making me jump. I whipped around only to see Venti, the short bard standing there with a cheeky smile.

"Got you!" He laughed as I shoved him back in protest.

"No fair! You can't sneak up on people like that," I complained over Venti's laughter.

"I wanted to visit you, you've been busy with work a lot recently and I've missed you," Venti finally spoke after he regained his composure.

"Well I've missed you too! Work has just been a lot lately," I sighed, agreeing with the boy.

I went in for a hug which Venti accepted, and we stood there in a brief, serene silence for about a minute before Venti pulled away.

"Soooo Albedo.." Venti pipped up, "pretty cute right?"

I raised an eyebrow at the bard, "uh huh.. he is good looking.."
venti nodded as he crossed up arms, about to say something else before I interrupted him, "are you being jealous right now? Is that what this is?"

Venti jumped back, shaking his head, "no no!! I just.. sometimes wish I could travel around with you everyday like he does, but it's nothing like that!!" He sounded slightly frantic with his response as his voice slowly trailed off towards the end.

"Maybe I'll take off and we can," I suggested as I reached over to pat the bard's head, smoothing his hair after.

"Yeah I'd.. really like that," Venti responded, seeming embarrassed as a pink tint became apparent on his face while he averted his eyes.

I smiled, cupping the boy's face in my hand as I rubbed my thumb on his cheek, "it's settled then. Let me just see what days I can take off if I can, and we can go around wherever you want."

Venti nodded into my hand as he smiled at me, "okay."

I heard light, swift footsteps approaching. I pointed for Venti to hide since I didn't want Albedo to thinking I was slacking off. Venti nodded, seeming to get the message as he quickly ran off. The liquid albedo was working on seemed to still be fine as I checked on it again.

"Hello y/n, I'm back," Albedo greeted as he carried a small brown pouch that seemed to be filled with things in his hand.

"Hi Albedo," I waved while watching the blonde set his stuff down on the table. It was silent for a bit as Albedo began taking things out of the pouch and observing them before resting them onto the table next to the flask he was working with.

"Venti you can come out now. I've known you were there long before I left the first time," albedo called out, causing me to gasp slightly. How'd he know?
Maybe when we said we weren't alone that meant it was Venti watching?

Venti stepped out from behind a nearby icy bush, "okay you caught me," he sighed as he raised his arms in defeat, making the alchemist chuckle.

"You really aren't good at hiding."

Venti grumbled some incoherent words under his breath as Albedo smiled at him. The alchemist soon turned his attention towards me.

"Well I trust the bard treated you well while I was gone?"

Ah he knew. Damn albedo, he always seems to know everything.

A/n: honestly being too lazy to recheck my work but then seeing a typo later and getting so insanely embarrassed is the worst combo to have
I hate it here

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