Venti x reader (college au)

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Disregard any of the spelling/grammar errors this probably has, it's like 4am and I'm tired and don't feel like editing this 27 page essay of a chapter

I slumped against Venti's shoulder, allowing my eyes to close as he played a soothing melody on his lyre.

"Are you tired?" Venti asked, pausing his music for a fleeting moment as he turned his head to look at me.

"Yeah sorta.. I'm sorry. I'm not bored of you, I just feel sleepy all the sudden," I mumbled, fluttering my eyes as I locked eyes with him. Venti sighed before briefly kissing my head.

"Y/n.. you really should get more sleep. I know with your 'staying up late' habit that can be difficult for you, but look at you, you've been pushing yourself and now you're burnt out."

I looked down, fumbling my fingers together. He's right, that's for sure. I decided to pursue a career in art, so naturally I went to college for an art degree. That's where I met Venti. He was a vocal/music major, and he often was able to mess around and still get good grades, considering he seemed to be gifted with some nature talent. I, on the other hand, had to work really hard to prove myself in my major, and I've lately been constantly discouraged seeing other really good artists and what they've created. I sometimes feel like I'll never get to their level, and I'll be stuck in the same place left without improvement.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry," I finally spoke.

Venti got up and took my hand, dragging me up with him. I groaned as he pulled me, not feeling up to getting up and walking around right now.

"Don't worry, it's fine. And before you ask where we're going, we're going to my place since it's closer than yours, and I get the place to myself," Venti's words sounded distant as I was falling asleep again. I really should start going to bed earlier, but I know that will never happen. I felt my eyes getting heavy as Venti guided me back to his dorm with his hand.

I opened my eyes. Looking around the room, I realized I was in Venti's dorm.

"Huh?" I questioned aloud as I rubbed my eyes.

"Oh hiya, glad to see you're awake. You worried me when you feel asleep while we were walking back here. I had to carry you the rest of the way," Venti piped up as he poked his head out of the bathroom that was connected to his room.

When did I fall asleep? When did I get here? Did I pass out?

Venti came out of the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed, he gave me a gentle look as I stretched.

"I can't believe I passed out. I'm really sorry for worrying you. My past few projects recently have been really important for my grade and I wanted to make sure they were perfect," I apologized once more, it was starting to become apart of my daily routine at this point. Venti took my hands in his own, his hands felt soft as they brushed mine.

"You don't have to constantly apologize, you've done nothing wrong. And please, for the love of everything that is holy, stop overworking yourself. You are worth more than your grades," Venti pulled me closer to him so I now rested against his chest, "don't sacrifice yourself for a letter."

I let him preach to me for a while longer as he went on about how much I mean to him and my health.

"I know art isn't my thing, but if you ever need any help, you can always ask me and I'll try my best to take some of the burden off your shoulders. Please promise me you'll call me if you need me," Venti basically pleaded as he looked at me with concern.

Venti x reader oneshots ( genshin impact ) Where stories live. Discover now