venti x depressed! reader

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lets seeee uhhhhh i got a new job ummm my whole life kinda like blew up into flames ummm my house flooded during hurricane ian so like i dont go no furniture or floors or walls (awkward)
since im basically depressed i'm writing a little angsty fic in hopes it will fix everything 🙏


I stared at the wall motionless. I didn't feel anything. Nothing helped either. Out of the corner of my eye, my phone lit up, illuminating a little light to let me know it was there on my nightstand. Shifting on my bed, I took a quick glance, curious to see what triggered a notification.
It was just a reminder that I had class tomorrow. I flopped back onto my bed, letting gravity pull me down.

Nothing from any of my friends. Not like I really had any these days though. It was my fault, I pushed them away little by little with each depressive episode I had as I felt the need to isolate myself. Even when they reached out, I didn't deserve their help or concern. I figured leaving everyone behind was for the best, for them at least.
The only person that stayed was Venti. Not because I asked him to, but because he told me he wasn't going anywhere. I appreciated it though, it was nice having someone.

I sat up, feeling slightly light headed. My days off were rough. Which is weird, because most people look forward to having free time. But for me, it was the worst. Unless Venti and I went out, my weekends mostly consisted of me sitting in my room by myself.  Of course when he wasn't with me, he would text me throughout the day, but it wasn't consistent as he was busy.

Reflecting. It's all I do when I'm by myself. Why am I the way I am? Why can nothing ever seem to fill the void in me? Am I being dramatic? Why can't I feel anything?

The thoughts started racing throughout my head. My phone lit up again, but I didn't bother to check this time as I instead reached over for my blade. Staring at the metal object in my hand, I slowly pulled up my shorts, revealing my upper thighs. There were multiple scars, a reminder that the emotional pain I felt was real.

Carefully, I dragged the blade across a clear spot on my skin. The familiar sting didn't take too long on making an appearance as some blood began to gather on top of the fresh cut.

Nothing helped.

I made another line, then another. Eventually I started losing count.

Why can't I feel anything?

I put the blade down. There were multiple marks all over my thighs now. My phone lit up again, but I paid no mind. Getting up from my bed, I trudged to the bathroom.
Turning on the sink, I grabbed some toilet paper and placed it under the running water for a few seconds before wringing it out.

I sat on the closed toilet lid as I began gently running the damp piece of paper over my self-inflicted injuries. The water felt cool against my skin as the once white paper began to turn a diluted red. I continued this process for a bit until I heard a knock.

Lifting my head up, I looked towards where the front door would be. Who could that be? Shrugging to myself, I looked back down and picked up where I left off. Another knock. Slightly annoyed now, I contemplated going to the door, but in my current state, I decided it was best I didn't.

Keys jingling brought my attention back to the situation though. No one else has keys to this place but one person.


"Oh shit," I mumbled under my breath, quickly standing up. Suddenly, it hit me. He must've messaged me earlier when my phone went off those two times. Just as I stepped foot into the living room, Venti opened the front door.

"Y/N!!" He smiled at me as he walked over towards the counter, setting down a box of pizza, "I brought pizza since I figured you haven't had dinner yet."

I walked towards him, and he opened his arms, pulling me into his embrace. I breathed in his familiar scent. Something about it was comforting.

"How was your day, darling?" Venti asked as he pulled away slightly to look at me, still keeping one hand on my back.

I broke eye contact and shrugged. Looking down, ashamed, I responded, "fine, I guess." A glimpse of a frown flashed across his face as he began to rub my back in small circles.

"Anything happen?"

He seemed concerned. I did it again. Ruined another good night. I should've said I had a good day. Why didn't I lie?

"Umm.. no, not really. Just a boring day thats all," I murmured, trying to make eye contact with the boy. The slow rubbing on my back came to a halt and I realized Venti wasn't look at my face, but instead lower down my body. I followed his gaze and looked down at my shorts.


My name slipping from his tongue seemed to ask it's own question, and I knew exactly what it was.

When he entered the house, I didn't finish cleaning the blood. My shorts showed proof of that. Streaks of dabbled blood were displayed on my shorts for Venti and I's viewing. Venti was aware I cut, but I made an effort to never do it around him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, looking up at him with tears welling in my eyes. Knowing Venti, he probably felt guilty. Guilty he couldn't stop my self destructive habits. That fact alone made me feel awful. The boy stood without a word, but the feeling of his body tensing against mine said it all.

"It's okay," he hushed after a brief moment of silence. He guided me back to the bathroom, sitting me back down on the toilet once more.

Instead of toilet paper, he grabbed a small washcloth. He ran it under the sink before wringing it out, just as I did earlier.
He was uncharacteristically quiet. He didn't seem mad or upset though, if anything, he had a calming demeanor to him.

Venti crouched down in front of me. Slowly, he lifted my shorts, being mindful to not brush the fabric against the newly made wounds. Without a word, he gently placed the damp cloth against my thigh. It wasn't cold like I was used to. Instead it was warm against my skin. I watched as Venti slowly wiped the blood off both my legs.

"Thank you," I breathed, not knowing what else to say.

"I love you Y/n, I'm sorry the pain you feel drives you to do this type of thing," Venti spoke softly as he began to dry my legs off.

Tears began to fall from my eyes. I don't even know why, but they did.
Upon seeing this, Venti pulled me into a hug, kissing my cheek.

"It's okay, you can let it out, I'm here."

That's all I wanted. Someone that wouldn't make me feel guilty about my bad habits. I knew cutting was bad, but sometimes it's the only thing I think will help.

I grabbed the boy, accepting his embrace as I buried my head into the crook of his neck while he ran his fingers up and down my back. We stayed like this until I stopped crying. From there, he took me to the couch as we watched a movie while eating pizza until I fell asleep on his shoulder.

A/N: alright who knows when i'll update again🙏 i dont even know what to write about honestly, but i should probably find a creative outlet, since i do rot in my desolate room and relapse every 2 weeks 🚨

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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