Venti x reader !with nightmares!

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        I panicked, looking around, lost. I stood in an empty field, a windless plain. It was as if time itself stopped. There was zero noise, until I heard slow, approaching footsteps as a twig snapped behind me.

I whipped around, getting into a defensive position. Whatever was coming had an evil presence to it. I felt suffocated as the being's dark demeanor seemed to radiate throughout the plain. Eventually the unknown came into view, I could see it clear as day.

A tall, pale, sickly thin humanoid beast came into view. It's ribs poked out as it looked malnourished. It's wide, bloodshot eye's stared deep into my being as it stood a few yards away from me. I squeezed my eyes shut, and fiercely shook my head at the verge of tears.

Although I could no longer see it with my eye's closed, my methods didn't erase the sickly figure's presence. I heard it's low, drawn out, raggedy breathes with each step it took towards me. Slow, painful steps, it sounded like it was dragging it's limp feet.

The presence was now too unbearable, although my eyes were shut, I was sure it stood in front of me now. The temperature seemed to drop around me, everything suddenly felt icy cold.

I decided to take a quick peek, in hopes my suspicions were maybe not accurate. As I opened my eyelids, to my worst fears, the figure was standing directly in front of me, only a mere few feet away.

Suddenly everything seemed to stop once more, like how it did when I first arrived. The humanoid figure's eye's started to roll in, as they became black sockets. It opened it's mouth, revealing a long stretched out gap, as it screamed a blood curdling scream.

I screwed my eyes shut again, clutching my hands against my ears in hopes to block out the painful screams, before joining the beast with my own screams intertwined in the mix.

I screamed as i jolted upright in my bed. I was covered in sweat as I brought my hands to my face.

"Y/n?" A voice called outside of my room, though I paid no attention to it with the state I was in. I began roughly shaking my head again, my hair, now a mess, swung with my head as I broke down in a fit of tears.

My door opened rather fast, making me jump into my bed board, hitting my back rather roughly.

"Woah, calm down, it's just me," the same voice said as before.

As the person approached I screamed, "no! No more, stay away from me!" I flung my arms around aimlessly in hopes it would prevent the person from coming near.

Suddenly, through my screams of protest, a soothing voice rang out through the madness. I brought down my arms, lifting my head to face the noise. Venti was diagonal from my bed, singing softly, in an effort to calm me enough to stop screaming.

After a minute or two of this, the boy's tune came to a stop. He looks up at me, taking a step forward, making a face that seemed to ask, 'is this okay?' I nodded, and Venti walked over to the side of my bed.

I reached out to him, opening my arms, which he accepted me into his embrace as he took a seat on the side of my bed. I clung onto the boy as flashbacks of the nightmare began to play through my head.

"Shh, it was just a nightmare, I'm here it's okay," Venti coaxed as he gently stroked my hair, seeming to understand my thoughts as I gripped him tighter. I felt like I just ran a marathon as I leaned against the bard, closing my eyes. Venti began to softly sing again as I melted into his body, my muscles relaxing against him.

"Can you sleep here for the night? In my bed?" I mumbled, feeling drained from all the energy I just used up in the last few minutes.

"If that's what you want," Venti hummed in response as I laid down. I felt the covers shift as a warm presence slipped next to me. Slowly, I gravitated towards the boy as Venti wrapped an arm around me, holding me close. I felt safe in his arms as I began to drift off to sleep, feeling Venti's chest gently rise and fall with every breath he took.

A/n: hey guys
So as everyone here should know the new update came out
And I saved my primogems the best I could and I got the cat girl and then after that I only got weapons
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined 💔
Hot chick with the white hair pls come home I love u

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