The Little Dragon (Part 5)

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Evie was giving Mal a bath after she had gotten the ice cream all over herself. Mal was playing with the bath toys as Evie put the shampoo in her hair. "Look Ebie! I a sea monster!" Mal told her as she stood up in the tub.

"Wow! That's awesome, Mal!" Evie replied as she washed all of the shampoo out of Mal's hair.

After her bath was done and Evie had dried Mal off and put her in her pajamas, she started dancing around the room when she heard "Take Me Home, Country Roads" come on. "Yay! I love this song! Ebie! Dance!" Mal screamed excitedly.

Evie laughed as she started dancing with the little girl. She loved the song, and never turned down an opportunity to dance. She picked up the toddler and started swinging her around gently. And when the song ended, she held the toddler in her arms and just smiled at her.

"You are so cute! You know that?" She told her. Mal just giggled at Evie as she looked up at her. Evie looked over at the clock and saw what time it was. "Well cutie, it's bedtime."

"No! I stay up wif you!" Mal said.

"Mal, it's my bedtime too. Come on, it's getting late." Evie said tickling her sides as she laid her down in the playpen. Mal took just looked up at Evie with her lip sticking out again.

"Can I sweep wif you?" She asked in her cute baby girl voice getting out her puppy eyes again.

Evie tried to stay strong, but once again, that look was her weakness. "Ok, come on. But you have to promise to go right to sleep." Mal nodded reaching up for Evie to pick her up. And Evie carried her over to her bed before kissing her forehead and waiting for the little girl to sleep. Evie smiled at her as she watched her sleep for a little bit. "Goodnight my little dragon." She whispered before she fell asleep.


The next morning, Evie woke up to Henry shaking her shoulder. "Hey, Eves. You need to get up. Fairy Godmother's back." He told her softly.

Evie slowly opened her eyes to see her boyfriend. And as soon as she heard him say that Fairy Godmother was back, she shot up. "Oh great! Thanks for telling me, honey! Now, I need to get dressed." Evie told him.

"Well, that's my cue to leave." Henry said not leaving before Evie gave him his morning kiss.

After Evie was completely ready, she woke Mal up and got her dressed and started brushing her hair. "Where we go, Ebie?" Mal asked through a small yawn.

"We're gonna go see Fairy Godmother." Evie told her.

She heard Mal yawn again which made her giggle a little.. "You still sleepy, sweetie?"

Mal nodded her little head as Evie picked her up and quickly left the dorm. Evie rushed down to Fairy Godmother's office and knocked on the door, not even waiting for her to answer before she walked right on in.

"Oh Evie! Good morning!" Fairy Godmother greeted her. "I see you and Henry have been busy. How long have you two been together? I certainly don't remember you ever being pregnant."

"Um, Fairy Godmother. This isn't my child. It's Mal." Evie told her.

"It's me!" Mal yelled pointing to herself in Evie's arms.

"Oh goodness! I'm guessing you want me to bring her back." Fairy Godmother replied. Evie nodded sitting Mal down on Fairy Godmother's desk. Fairy Godmother snapped her fingers before her wand appeared in her hand. "Ok, here we go. Bippity-boppity-"

"Wait!" Evie yelled stopping Fairy Godmother from finishing the spell.

"What is it, Evie?" She asked.

"I want to say goodbye first." Evie told her. Fairy Godmother stepped aside allowing Evie to go up to Mal. "Well sweetheart, I guess this is it."

"I don't wanna leave, Ebie. I stay wif you." Mal said sounding like she was about to cry.

"It's ok, sweetie." Evie assured her pulling her into her embrace. "You'll always have me. And when you grow up, you'll see me again. For now, you have little Evie, and she loves you too. I love you cutie. Goodbye."

Mal squeezed Evie as tight as she could. "I wob you too."

Evie pulled away from Mal and nodded at Fairy Godmother. Then the fairy waved her wand and more purple smoke surrounded Mal, before a sixteen year old Mal was the one sitting on the desk.

"Mal! You're back!" Evie said going over to hug her.

"Ebie! I mean, Evie!" Mal yelled clearing her throat as she hugged Evie back.

"Oh it is so good to see you back to your normal self."

"Yeah, I remember everything." Mal said. "I'm sorry for being such a handful. And for even turning into a kid in the first place."

"Yeah, why did you do that?" Evie asked.

"I was just a little upset that you adopted me, Jay, and Carlos. And I wanted to get you back." Mal explained. "And I found a spell but you scared me and I said it wrong and it turned me into a kid. But it was stupid of me to even think about doing that. You adopted us because you care about us, and I'm actually kinda happy with that. In a way, you have been like a mother to us, cause we get in a lot of trouble, but you're always there to help us get out of it. And I love you, E."

"Aww! I love you too, M!" Evie replied pulling her in for another hug.

They then walked out of Fairy Godmother's office together, and back to their dorm. "So, what are you gonna do with all this baby stuff?" Mal asked looking around the dorm and at the playpen, the toys and other stuff.

"I'll keep it and put it up for when I have kids someday, or if any of you decide to turn yourselves into kids again." Evie said making Mal laugh.

"I'll help you put it all away. Oh except for this!" Mal yelled grabbing the stuffed dragon and hugging it.

And it was Evie's turn to laugh at her. "I think deep down inside of you, you're still a little kid."

"You got that right. But I really do love this thing. Thanks for getting it for me. I mean, little me."

They both laughed at that one. "Hey! Mal's back!" Carlos yelled as he and Jay came into the dorm.

The boys both wrapped their arms around her. "Yep! I'm back!" Mal said.

They were all happy to have Mal back to her normal self. But I think a part of them would definitely miss little Mal. But she was definitely still there in Mal, with how immature Mal would act sometimes.


A/N: And that brings an end to The Little Dragon! I hope you all liked this. Thank you Descendantsfan03 for giving me the idea for this little short story. I hope you all enjoyed this! Please let me know what you thought. And leave a request for any more one shots or short stories if you have any. Until the next chapter!!!

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