A Christmas Wedding (Part 4)

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Yet another week had passed and as it grew even closer to Henry and Evie's wedding it was the day of Evie's bachelorette party. Evie still didn't have the slightest clue about what Mal had planned for the evening, she still didn't know how she felt about it. She felt like she needed to be worried, but everything would be fine. Right? She just tried to focus on putting in her ear rings in that moment as that was the last thing she needed to do to complete her outfit before being completely ready for an evening of fun.

"Mal! Are you almost ready to go? The girls are gonna be here any minute!" She called out into the hallway.

"Yeah just give me a few more minutes!" She heard Mal call back.

She nodded to herself before checking herself out in her mirror to make sure she looked good. She was pleased with her outfit and went to go down to the living room and wait for all the girls to arrive. They all had agreed to meet at Evie's house and carpool in her SUV to their destinations. And before too long she saw their cars start pulling up her driveway. "Mal, they're here now!" She yelled upstairs before she headed out the door to greet the girls. "Hey girls!"

"Evie! Hey!" Audrey called out as she got out of her car and hugged Evie. "So what are our plans for this evening?"

"I honestly don't have a clue. Mal's the one who planned all this and she wanted to keep it a surprise." Evie replied as she hugged the other girls who were coming along which included Dizzy, Jane, and Lonnie. Even though Lonnie wasn't one of her bridesmaids Evie didn't want her to feel left out and so she invited her to tag along with them.

"Where is Mal?" Dizzy asked as she didn't see the purple-haired girl anywhere.

Evie looked around and didn't see her around anywhere either. "I told her you all were here, let me go get her again." She said before heading back inside to yell up the stairs once more. "Mal Bertha! All the girls are here and waiting for you outside! It's time to go and you're the only one who knows where we're going!"

"Coming!" She heard Mal yell and Evie then went back outside to the girls.

"Ok, she's coming now." She announced to the group just before Mal walked out the front door.

"I'm here, now let's get this party started!" Mal said as she swung a bandanna around her finger.

"Uh Mal, what are you doing with that bandanna?" Evie asked her friend as the girl looked down and held it up towards her.

"This would be for you, my friend. It's your blindfold." Mal stated to Evie.

"You are not blindfolding me." Evie informed her as she stuck her hand refusing to let Mal put it on her.

"Yes I am. You've done it to me several times, now it's your turn." Mal told her as she then proceeded to put it over Evie's eyes blindfolding her. "Can you see anything?"

"No Mal, I'm clearly blindfolded." Evie told her.

"I'm just making sure, now let's go ladies." Mal said as they all headed for the SUV.

"Um, can someone help me? I can't see!" Evie called out for someone.

Mal went running back towards her friend as she then guided her over to the passenger side of the vehicle before going over to the drivers side and heading for the first destination. "So do we get any hints as to where you're taking us?" Lonnie asked as Mal turned on some Christmas music to play on in the ground.

"No, you get nothing. You're all just going to have to wait." Mal told them.

"Ok fine, so then what do you expect us to do while we wait to get there?" Audrey asked next.

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