A Christmas Wedding (Part 3)

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The next day had come and after Mal had woken up she got herself dressed and rushed down the stairs to get herself some breakfast and begin her day. She entered into the kitchen to find something to eat, she checked the cabinets and she just so happened to glance over at the island to spot a plate of Christmas cookies. Her eyes widened in delight as she went to go grab one of the cookies, but just as she had her hand right above the plate Evie entered the kitchen at that exact moment and spotted her trying to eat her cookies.

"Mal! Are you doing what I think you're doing?" She asked her as she crossed her arms.

"Um, if I say no will I not get in trouble?" Mal asked in return.

"Well it depends, if you're lying about it then yes, but if you're not then no." Evie told her.

Mal stuck her lip out as she put her hand back down and away from the cookies. "Why can't I just have one?" Mal asked her.

"Because they're for later, and besides you know you're not supposed to have cookies for breakfast. Make some eggs or something."

"I don't even like eggs!" Mal said to her.

"Since when?"

"Since I couldn't have the cookies."

Evie rolled her eyes as she tried not to smile before stepping into the living room. Mal just looked back through the cabinets as she grabbed a pack of pop tarts opened it and stuck a whole one in her mouth before heading into the living room as well. She sat jumped over the back of the couch and sat down as she flipped on the tv.

"Must you do that every morning?" Evie asked her as she watched her. Mal nodded her head still with that pop tart sticking out of her mouth before turning her attention back towards the tv. Evie shook her head at her as she looked back down at her phone, she knew there was no point in trying to stop her because she would just do the same thing over again to annoy her.

After a little while of the two girls just chilling together doing their own stuff, they were both surprised and confused by the sound of a knock on the front door. "Who could that be?" Evie asked as she put her phone down and stood up to go and see who it was. She opened that door and froze in complete shock when she saw Hades standing right at her doorstep. "Hades?!"

Mal snapped her head over to look at the door after hearing her father's name. She had then realized she had completely forgotten that he was supposed to come over. After picking out Evie's wedding cake she had also forgotten to tell Evie about it. "Dad! You're here!" She yelled as she jumped over the couch once again and ran over to the door to hug her dad.

"Hey Mal! I told you I'd come and pay you guys a little visit." Hades told her as Mal grabbed his arm and brought him inside while Evie was still frozen just standing there and gawking at him. "Is she okay?"

"Oh yeah she always does this when someone new comes to visit." Mal told him as she waved her hand in front of Evie's face breaking her out of her shock.

"Oh sorry about that, come in I guess." Evie said as she closed the door back. "Can I..uh..get you something to drink?"

"You know? I haven't had a good beer in forever." He said to Evie.

Evie just kind of laughed a bit at his answer. "Um, I don't drink and even if I did I definitely wouldn't be keeping it around here with a bunch of minors living here." Evie replied patting the top of Mal's head.

Mal turned to Evie with an eyebrow raised at her. "You're still a minor too you know." She reminded her.

"So see we don't have alcohol here. But I do have ginger ale." She told him.

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