A Christmas Wedding (Part 2)

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It had been a few days since Mal and Evie's conversation in Clarabelle and Mal hadn't been able to stop thinking about what Evie said about Hades. She didn't think that Evie shouldn't not invite Hades to the wedding just because she didn't know him all that well, so she was determined to fix that. So she was stuffing a few things into her bag for a quick trip over to the isle to pay a little visit to her father. She slung that bag over her shoulder and quietly made her way down the stairs as not to alert Evie, not that she would notice and stop her because she was on the phone with a bunch of people concerning her wedding and everything.

"What do you mean your out of roses?! There's always roses!" She heard Evie yelling into her phone from the kitchen.

"Perfect, I'll get out of here easily." She said to herself as she then headed for the front door.

"Hold on a second, Mal where are you going?" She heard Evie ask just as she had her hand on the knob.

Mal slowly turned around to face Evie with a forced smile on her face. "I'm going to the..the..park. To chill." Mal came up with a pathetic excuse.

"I know you're lying, but honestly that's the least of my problems right now. Just don't get into any trouble please." Evie said before getting back to her conversation on her phone.

Mal gave her a quick salute before walking out the front door. She then headed to her dirt bike as she hopped right on, started it, and sped over to the isle of the lost. She parked behind an old shed where it wasn't out in plain sight, it was still the isle so she wasn't taking any chances. Once she got off she walked around while heading for her father's cave.

However, once she got there and saw the gates were shut and locked she immediately realized she didn't have a key. But she also remembered she was a vk, she could just pick the lock for crying out loud. She checked her pockets for a knife or something she could use, but the only thing she found was a couple bobby pins.

Mal stared at those pins in her hand confusedly, she rarely even used bobby pins, and when she did it was because Evie had done her hair and used them. But she never kept those pins so how the heck were they in her pockets. She shrugged it off as she was just glad she had something to pick the lock with.

She approached the gate and inserted the bobby pins into the lock as she then twisted them around until she successfully unlocked the gate and swung it open. "Sweet! I am so good!" She praised herself as she walked inside closing the gate back behind her. As she made her way through all the caverns until she the sounds of her dad's singing along to some old 80's rock music or something. She leaned against a stalagmite just watching him dance around and play with certain objects around him. When the song finally ended he completely froze at the sight of his daughter standing there watching him with a smirk on his face.

"Mal! It's a surprise to see you here." He said as he took off his sunglasses and set them down on his table while going over to sit down on his chair.

"Yeah, it always is." She told him while stepping down the stairs and approaching him.

"So what brings you here. I know you're not just here to see me, you clearly want something." He said to her before he a sip from his old and stained goblet.

"What makes you think I need something? Maybe I just want to spend some time with my old man." Mal replied as she patted him on his shoulder and sat down on a worn out old ottoman.

"Oh come on Mally, I know you better than that. You never come just to see me, I mean the last time you were here you wanted my ember." He reminded her.

"Ok fair point."

"So what do you need?" He asked her again.

"Well it's not really that I need something, I just need you to help me." She told him.

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