A Little Coffee A Lot of Love

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It was a beautiful morning outside, or so it looked like as Audrey stared out the clear glass doors that led into the coffee shop she worked at. She tapped her fingernails against the counter as she waited for another customer to come through those doors.

She turned her head away from the door, tired of just staring out of it endlessly so she picked up her phone and just started scrolling through her Auragram while she waited. And after almost 15 minutes of doing so, she heard the small bell that chimed whenever someone opened the door.

Audrey glanced up from her phone before she stopped and stared at the person who had come through the door. A man, whom she had never seen before, had entered the small, and quiet coffee shop. He had the most gorgeous skin tone she had ever seen on a guy, the most perfect, long brown hair. And he had on a tank top that hugged his torso in all the right places as she caught sight of his abs underneath, and his muscles that made her want to squeeze them gently. And he had the most perfect brown eyes that she could stare into all day.

"Hey there!" He said to her, giving her a small wink.

"Hi." She replied breathlessly. "What can I get you?"

"I'll have an iced hazelnut latte to go, please." He gave her his order.

"Ok, and a name for the order?"


Audrey smiled to herself as she put it on the order. "Coming right up." She told him as she went to go make his latte. And as she made it for him, she kept glancing over at him as he sat down at one of the tables, looking through his phone. She sighed to herself, as he made her want to faint. "Iced hazelnut latte for Jay!" She called.

He looked up from his phone as he stood up, putting his phone in his pocket before going up to the counter. "Thanks.."

"Audrey. My name is Audrey." She told him.

"Well thanks Audrey. Have a nice day!" He told her before leaving the coffee shop.

Audrey once again sighed dreamily as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand. Even though she had just met him, she was convinced she was in love with him. And for the next 2 weeks he kept coming back every day ordering the same thing, the iced hazelnut latte, Audrey always remembered it so every time she saw his car pull into the parking lot she immediately started making it for him, even if it meant stop making the order she had already started. Jay had quickly become her favorite customer, from the first time he had walked into the coffee shop.

"Here you go." Audrey handed him his latte as he approached the counter.

Jay smiled as he took the cup and handed her the money to pay for it. "I love how it's always ready for me when I walk in." He said to her.

"I don't!" One of Audrey's regular customer's, Uma yelled from behind him at the table she was sitting at. "Where the heck is my coffee?! And why is his always ready before mine when I ordered mine first?!"

"Uma, chill. It's almost ready." Audrey said not breaking eye contact with Jay. Uma groaned as she slumped back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest.

When Audrey gave Jay back his change, he just gave it right back to her. "Keep the change. And take this." He told her as he handed her a small piece of paper.

"What's this?" She asked him.

"It's my number. Call or text me anytime. But before I go, I wanted to ask if you would like to go out with me the next time you get a day off."

"I actually get off tomorrow." Audrey told him.

"You do?" Audrey's boss, Evie came out from the back and asked her with a little smirk appearing at the corner of her lips.

"Can I get tomorrow off?" Audrey asked with a hopeful smile on her face.

Evie laughed slightly before she sighed. "Ok, you can have it off. But only because you're my best employee."

"Aw I knew I was the favorite!" Audrey joked.

"I did not say that." Evie joked back with a laugh in her voice.

"You didn't have to." Audrey told her.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Jay said to Audrey as he took a sip of his latte before walking out of the coffee shop.

"Great! He's gone! Now get back to making my coffee please!" Uma yelled to Audrey from her table.

"At least you said please this time." Audrey said playfully.

Yes, it was pretty obvious to everybody, Audrey's customers and coworkers, that Jay was her favorite customer, from the way she always had his order ready, and from the way she looked at him with that dreamy, far-off look in her eyes. But from that first morning he had entered the coffee shop and ordered his iced hazelnut latte, Audrey had fallen for him. But she wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: I thought I would try something new today, this was my first time writing the coffee shop au and I thought it was perfect to do with Jaudrey. Shout out to PurpleSkys2 for requesting another Jaudrey one shot! So please let me know what you all thought of this one! And leave a request for another one shot or short story if you have any! Until the next chapter!!!

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