Valentine's Day (Part 2): Mal & Carlos

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Mal had just been chilling around the house after Henry and Evie had left for their date, she had been tempted several times to just go into that kitchen and cook herself some bacon despite her being banned from cooking. She hadn't done it of course, but it was still tempting to just go in there and cook it. But she was also thinking that she could just wait for Carlos to wake up and then make him make it for her. It was brilliant really.

After waiting for another hour and a half for her boyfriend to wake up she soon heard him walk down the stairs in his pajamas. "Good morning Mal! Happy Valentine's Day!" He told her as he kissed her cheek while making his way over to the fridge to look for breakfast.

"Hey Carlos? Do you think you could make your favorite girlfriend some bacon?" She asked him sweetly while resting her elbows on the island and blinking her eyelids super fast at him.

"Um yeah sure, I thought you knew how to cook though." He said as he got out the bacon from inside the fridge and a pan from one of the cabinets.

"More or less, but I've been banned from the stove remember?"

"Oh that's right!" Carlos replied while trying not to laugh at what had happened that had gotten her banned.

"I see you smiling over there, it's not funny. It's horrible how I'm not even allowed to use the microwave." She said to him.

"You're right Mal, it's not funny. It's hilarious!" He replied before bursting out laughing.

Mal narrowed her eyes at him as she didn't find it funny how she was almost constantly getting punished by Evie all the time. "Ok enough I get it, can you please just make my bacon now?" She asked him.

"Alright I'm working on it." Carlos replied as he calmed down from all his laughter and got to cooking her the bacon. Mal made sure to stand right behind him and watch him cook it the whole time. Watching all that bacon cook while sizzling and giving off that heavenly scent was starting to make her a little crazy as she was unable to stand still any longer without getting really excited about feasting on all that goodness.

"Um..are you okay?"

"No! I'm dying for some bacon!" Mal said as she thought she was going to lose her mind if she didn't start feasting soon.

"Here just take one, you're starting to concern me." Carlos said as he took one of the pieces off the pan and gave it to her.

"BACON!" She practically screamed as she wasted no time in shoving it into her mouth.

Carlos watched her with his brow raised as he really was growing concerned for her mental health right then. "Ok what has made you like this?" He asked her.

"I had to watch and smell as Henry cooked some for Evie this morning as a Valentine's Day surprise or whatever and he didn't even make me some!" Mal informed him as he nodded in response to that.

"Interesting, well are you happy now?" He asked her.

"No, I need more." She told him.

Carlos quickly finished cooking the rest of the bacon he had got out before giving it to her as she dug into it all while shoving it into her mouth as fast as she possibly could. "Hey you need to slow down, Evie would kill me if I let you choke yourself." He said while laughing at how fast she had previously been eating. "And besides I kinda need you to live today because I have some awesome stuff for us to do today."

"Ooo what are we doing today?" Mal asked him.

"How do you feel about spending all day at Summerlands Fun Park?" Carlos suggested.

"Um yes! This day is going to be awesome!" Mal cried out happily as she quickly finished the rest of her bacon before going to get dressed as Carlos went and did the same. Once they had both finished getting ready they met in the upstairs hallway after coming out from their respective bedrooms.

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