The Little Dragon (Part 1)

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Ever since Mal had learned that Evie had apparently adopted her, Jay, and Carlos, she had been pretty upset. She didn't hate her for it, but she wasn't exactly thrilled. Her best friend, who was only one year older than her was now her "mother."

"Ok, Mal, you need to clean your side of the dorm." Evie told her as she looked at Mal, who was just laying on her bed scrolling through her phone.

"Why don't you just do it?" Mal asked.

Evie placed her hands on her hips as she gave Mal a stern look. "Are you telling your mother no?" She asked.

"Would you just hush about that? You're not my mom!" Mal yelled at her as she stood up. "I don't even know why you adopted us!"

Evie got a hurt look on her face as she broke eye contact with Mal for a split second. "I thought you were happy." She said. "I care about you guys. A lot. Why did you think I wanted to? I love you three. You're my family. And you guys need a real mother figure."

Mal rolled her eyes before she just cleaned her side of the room like Evie had asked. And Evie just watched her do so. She didn't know that was how Mal really felt. But maybe she would somehow be able to change her mind.


It had been a few days since Mal had yelled at Evie. She had somewhat cooled off about it all. She hadn't yelled at Evie again. But she wanted to get her back for adopting her. So she was looking through her spell book to see if she could find anything.

Mal was flipping through the pages trying to find something to get back at Evie. And just when she thought she found something, she started saying the spell just as Evie came bursting into the dorm, scaring Mal half to death, interrupting her spell. She was immediately surrounded by a purple smoke.

Evie gasped when she saw that happen. "Mal?!" She yelled rushing over to Mal's bed. And when the smoke went away, where Mal once was, there was now a small little girl. Evie's eyes widened in shock. "Mal? Is that you?"

The little girl looked around the room in confusion as she looked up at Evie. "Where am I?" She asked in a small, tiny voice.

Evie bent down on her knees in front of the little girl reaching out to her, but she just backed away from her. Evie knew that it was Mal, the purple hair? It was a dead giveaway. "Mal, hey sweetheart it's okay. It's just me. Evie." She told her gently.

Mal shook her little head at her. "No! You not Ebie!" She shouted.

"I know, I don't look like Evie, but it's me, I promise. I'm just older and bigger." Evie told her.

Mal just looked at Evie, and reached out to touch her soft blue hair. "Ebie!" She yelled before falling against Evie, hugging her as tight as a girl of her size could. Evie was a little surprised at first, but quickly hugged Mal back as she lifted her off the bed. "Ebie?" She heard the small girl ask.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Where mommy?" Mal asked as she lifted her head from Evie's chest.

Evie took in a deep breath knowing that she had to explain where Maleficent was to the small girl. "Well Mal, she's somewhere she will never be able to hurt you." She told her.

Mal squirmed to be put down as she started walking around, wanting to explore the dorm. She started walking around looking at stuff, and Evie picked up Mal's spell book trying to see what Mal did to herself. She picked up the book, flipping through the first couple pages before putting it back down and laying down with her hands in front of her face. She would never be able to know what spell Mal did. But suddenly she felt a small amount of weight on her chest and she felt her hands be removed from in front of her face as she saw Mal sitting on her chest.

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