Valentine's Day

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It was Valentine's Day at Auradon Prep and everyone was excited. That morning, Henry was on his way to his girlfriend's dorm to greet her. He took a deep breath as he knocked on the door, before Evie opened it. Henry couldn't help but think she looked stunning even in her robe and a towel on her head. It was obvious that she had just gotten out of the shower.

"Henry! Hey baby, happy Valentine's day!" Evie said as she cupped his cheeks, pulling him in for a kiss.

"You too! Here, a rose for my rose." He replied handing her a single rose.

"Aw, you're so sweet!" Evie said as she lifted the flower up to her face.

"You excited for the dance tonight?" Henry asked her.

"I sure am!" Evie answered just before a loud snore came from inside the room.

"What was that?" Henry asked her.

"That was Mal. She's still sleeping." She told him.

"How do you sleep with that?"

"Ear plugs." Evie simply replied.

Henry nodded as that made sense. "Well, I guess I'll see you tonight." He said before leaving the dorm. He couldn't wait for the Valentine's day dance that night.


Jay was surprising Audrey with breakfast in bed as he entered the dorm with a tray of food. "Wake up sleeping beauty." He said softly lifting up her pink silk sleeping mask covering her eyes.

"Jay? What are you doing in here?" She asked him slowly sitting up.

"I brought you breakfast in bed. Happy Valentine's day!" He told her as he lifted up the tray before setting it on her lap.

"Thank you! Did you make this for me?" She asked him.

"Uh no. We both know I can't cook, I just brought this from the cafeteria." He told her.

"Well thank you, you're the best!" She replied giving him a kiss on his lips.

"That, I am!" He said flashing his signature smirk at her that made her want to faint every time she saw it.

Audrey smiled back at him as she ate her food. "I can't wait until the dance tonight. It's gonna be awesome!" She said to him.

"Oh yes it is!" Jay agreed as Audrey fed him one of her grapes.


Carlos was stomping through the halls and to Mal's dorm. He had spiked his hair, put on a black leather jacket, leather pants, and was also wearing a pair of sunglasses. He basically banged on the door, which Evie was the one to open. She snorted and tried not to laugh at her friend. "I take it you're here to see Mal?" She said.

Carlos lowered his sunglasses at her as he smiled. "You know it!" He replied.

"Come on in. She's in the bathroom taking a shower, she'll be out soon. I will, um, give you two some privacy." Evie told him before she walked out the door, closing it behind her.

Carlos just waited patiently in the dorm for Mal to get out of the bathroom. He was chilling on Evie's bed for about 15 minutes when Mal finally came out. Mal froze in her place when she saw Carlos.

"Carlos de Vil, what are you doing?" She asked him.

"Be mine, girl! It's Valentine's day!" He said in a bit of a demanding tone.

Mal only laughed at him. "Carlos, this bad boy thing you have going on, it's not you. Although I love your jacket, it's not you. I like the real Carlos better." She told him.

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