A Christmas Wedding (Part 5)

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Evie was getting ready to head back to the castle to start setting up the ballroom for the wedding as it was now less than 2 weeks before her big day. She walked down the stairs where Henry, Mal, Jay, and Carlos were all waiting. "Alright, are we all ready to go?" Henry asked the group. Nobody said no so he took that as the go ahead for them all to head out to the castle.

They all ran out to the SUV as it snowed like crazy covering them in the white powder by the time they got inside the vehicle. "Man, it's really coming down out there!" Mal said as she buckled herself in.

"Yeah, they weren't kidding when they said a snowstorm was coming. We've already got enough snow on the ground, I can't imagine how much more feet of snow we'll get after it's over." Evie said as she looked out her window at all the snow that was falling down.

"I'm just hoping that it won't get any worse before Christmas so we won't have to postpone the wedding." Henry said next as Evie nodded her head in agreement with him. Postponing their wedding would be absolutely awful, she really wanted a Christmas wedding and if all the snow and ice covered roads didn't get any better before than, they might not be able to.

When they arrived at the castle, they met Audrey who was already there with some of the people she had forced to help her out. "You guys are finally here." She said after they had entered the ballroom. "I was wondering if you were gonna show up or not."

"Why would we not show up? You're talking to the couple who's getting married." Evie told the princess.

Audrey only shrugged before she gestured towards the ballroom setup behind her. "So what do you think of the Christmas trees? Do you think that's a good placement for them?" She asked Evie.

"Yes, that's perfect! I think the fact that there's 3 of them really adds a nice touch." Evie replied as she stepped closer to have a better look.

"Exactly my thoughts. All we have to do is string some lights on them and then they'll be ready for the ceremony."

Evie couldn't help but be excited at the mention of her wedding ceremony, she could hardly wait for her wedding day. It was just so close it was becoming harder and harder to wait. "This wedding is going to be so beautiful I can tell already. Do you mind me suggesting something?"

"No, of course not! Suggest away!" Evie encouraged her friend.

"Great, thanks! Anyway, I think it would add a nice touch to the ceremony if your maid of honor sings yours and Henry's song as you both light your candle." Audrey suggested. "I mean, I can sing just about any song and my voice can light and airy so it'll make it sound even better."

"Um Audrey, that's a really great suggestion and all but you're not my maid of honor. I'm sorry about that." Evie said to her.

"What? And this whole time I thought I was your maid of honor! Who could possibly be a better fit for the role other than me?" Audrey asked.

"Huh, I don't know there's so many good choices." Mal's voice piped in as she joined the conversation. "Oh wait, there's me!"

Audrey stood there for a good minute as tears gathered in her eyes, ready to spill over at any moment. "But..I was supposed to be the maid of honor." She said before running out of the ballroom.

"Is she actually crying?" Evie asked as she felt kind of bad for the princess. But at the same time, Audrey should have known Mal was going to be her maid of honor.

"Yeah, I think she is." Mal replied as they both just stared at the door that Audrey had just run out of.

"Maybe I should try and talk to her." Evie said as she went to go and find Audrey.

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