The Little Dragon (Part 4)

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Mal was running around the room with her dragon, playing as Evie was working on a couple more outfits for Mal. "Ebie! Ebie, come play wif me!" Mal said tugging on Evie's sleeve.

"Mal, not now, ok? I have to finish these up real quick and then I have to take you to the doctor." Evie told her.

Mal tilted her head at Evie. "What's a doctor?" She asked.

"A doctor is someone who makes sure you're healthy, and helps you get better if you're hurt or sick." Evie answered.

"Bu I not sick!" Mal said.

"I know you're not, sweetie. But I need to make sure you're healthy. It's just a little checkup." Evie replied. Mal was a little nervous. She still didn't really know what a doctor was. They could be scary and mean. She immediately climbed up on Evie's lap and buried her face in her chest. "Mal? What's wrong, sweetheart?" Evie turned off her sewing machine and hugged the little girl.

"I scared, Ebie." Mal said into Evie's chest.

Evie smiled as she rubbed the back of Mal's head. "It's okay, sweetie. I'll be right beside you, I promise."

Mal just laid against Evie as she finished up the outfits, before taking Mal out to Clarabelle and buckling her in the carseat before driving to the doctor's office. Mal was playing with her dragons as Evie drove. Evie just sighed, she knew that Mal would probably freak out if the doctor so much as laid a finger on her. She just hoped that Mal would be fine and stay calm. Because even Mal at sixteen years old had been a little uncomfortable around doctors. So who knew how toddler Mal would react.

When she pulled into a parking spot, she got Mal out of her car seat and carried her into the office and went up to the receptionist. "How can I help you?" She asked Evie.

"I'm here for Mal Morgana's appointment." Evie told her.

"Alright, have a seat. We'll call you back in a little bit." The receptionist said.

Evie nodded as she sat down with Mal in her lap. But about two minutes later, Mal had, had enough of waiting so she started squirming, but Evie wouldn't let her go. And soon Evie couldn't take the squirming anymore so she let Mal play on her phone.

"Ebie?" She heard the little girl ask.

"Yes, Mal?"

"Who dis?" She asked holding up her phone that had a selfie of her and a sixteen year old Mal.

Evie smiled at the picture. "That's you, Mal." She told her.

"It is?"

"Yep. That's you at sixteen. That was before into a kid."

Mal just stared at Evie in confusion. What on earth was she talking about? But she just went back to looking through Evie's phone.

"Mal Morgana!" A nurse called out.

"That's us, Mal." Evie said standing up with Mal in her arms and following the nurse.

The nurse led her into a room and Evie sat down on the table with Mal still on her lap. "Okay Mal, can you open your mouth for me?" The nurse asked.

Mal whined and hid her face once again in Evie's shirt. "Mal, come on. Can you let the nurse take a look at you? Please? For me?" Evie asked her.

"No!" Mal said.

"Please? I'll tell you what, if you be a good girl and let them look at you, we'll go get some ice cream when we're done." Evie told her.

"Weally?" Mal asked lifting her head up slightly.

"Really!" Evie confirmed. "But only if you do what they tell you."

Mal instantly turned around and opened her mouth as the nurse looked inside. "Good girl, Mal." The nurse told her.

She looked at a few other things before she told them to wait for the doctor to come in. "You are doing great so far, sweetie." Evie told the little girl.

Mal smiled cutely up at Evie. Evie just smiled back at her letting her play on her phone again while they waited for the doctor. Evie was proud of Mal so far, she was being really good and hadn't cried or fussed. Yet, at least. But hopefully she wouldn't do any of that. She heard a quick knock sound on the door before it was opened by the doctor.

"Hello Ms. Queen and Ms. Morgana." He greeted them. "But if I recall correctly. I remember Ms. Morgana being about sixteen years of age."

"Well, she was. But she turned herself into a kid." Evie told him.

"I see." He said. "Anyway, let's take a listen to that heartbeat of yours, shall we?" The doctor got out his stethoscope and listened to Mal's heartbeat.

"That's cold!" Mal said pushing the weird object away from her.

"Oh I'm sorry, Mal. Here, this should help." He told her as he rubbed it heating it up a little before listening to her heartbeat again. "Here, do you wanna hear your heart?"

Mal nodded as she took the stethoscope and listened to her heart. "Wow!" She exclaimed.

"It sounds cool, doesn't it?" He asked. Mal nodded her head at him. "Ok, now I'm just going to shine this light in your eyes ok?" He checked her eyes and her ears and then he listened to her breathing. "Okay, everything seems to be normal. Mal? You are one healthy little girl. And for being such a good, brave little girl you get this sticker."

Mal gasped as he gave her a dragon sticker. "Yay! I love dragons!" She said.

After that, Evie then left the office and buckled Mal back in her carseat. "I'm so proud of you, Mal! You were so brave in there!" Evie told her.

"Do I get ice cream?" Mal asked making Evie laugh.

"Yes, sweetheart. When we get back home." She told her.

Mal started kicking her legs excitedly as Evie drove back to Auradon Prep. She started playing with her toys again until they were back and Evie took her out of the carseat and inside to the kitchen. She got out two bowls and filled them with ice cream.

"Yay! Ice cream!" She yelled as Evie gave her a spoon and began to dig into her ice cream. "You da best, Ebie! I wob you!"

Evie laughed at the toddler with chocolate ice cream all over her face. She took a napkin and wiped it off her face. But it didn't help because Mal just kept getting it all over herself. "Well, someone's gonna need a bath when they're done." She said.

"Hey! How come you didn't tell us you were getting ice cream!" Jay asked as he and Carlos saw them in the kitchen.

"Help yourself to some!" Evie told them.

The boys wasted no time in digging into the ice cream. Mal was laughing at them as she thought they were so silly. They just enjoyed some more family time together in the kitchen eating ice cream. And Evie was happy that Fairy Godmother would be getting back the next day and she would be getting Mal back.

But if Evie was completely honest with herself, she was gonna miss little Mal, even though she was a handful, she was still so cute and adorable and sweet. But she would definitely be glad to have things go back to normal.

A/N: So? How was this chapter? I'm thinking I will post one more part after this. But please let me know what you thought! And if there is anything that you would like to see in the last part just let me know and I will for sure write it for you. Merry Christmas Eve you guys! Until the next chapter!!!

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