Halloween Revenge

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That time of year had finally come around again, yep, you guessed it. Halloween was just around the corner, and this year was bound to be an absolute thriller. Last year, to put it mildly, was pretty interesting. All of Mal's friends had ganged up on her and pranked her with a haunted house, she had to admit it was a pretty good prank but she had something special for them up her sleeve. So this year, she was going to be getting some revenge on all of her friends with some special pranks of her own. And to start off her beautiful revenge plan, she was going to start with her dearest and best friend, Evie.

Now for her prank she was going to use a very good scare tactic, which was bats. Nothing would be able to scare Evie more. The question was, where was she supposed to find bats? And then it just came to her, you can just picture that lightbulb shining above her head right? But anyway, the one place she was guaranteed to find bats, and lots of them, was a cave. She knew just the cave too, so that's where she headed.

Mal got to the cave, but a thought popped into her head just as she stepped foot inside. She had brought nothing with her, how was she supposed to bring the bats back to the school with her? Maybe she should've thought this prank through a little more. What could she even bring to contain enough bats to scare Evie? Mal then thought about getting a bat house, that might take a bit of time depending on how long it took for the right amount of bats to get inside. But Mal just pushed those thoughts aside and went to the nearest Home Depot to get herself a bat house.

And after paying for it and everything Mal went right back to the cave and set it up outside the mouth. She then climbed up a tree not too far away and just waited for bats to fly in. She waited there for hours and that tree was getting seriously uncomfortable, she was using a pair of binoculars to watch that bat house but a single bat had not flown in. "Come on bats!" She quietly yelled to herself.

But all of a sudden Mal felt herself slip and before she could even do anything she fell off of the branch and fell straight to the ground. She screamed as she felt herself fall and hit the ground. "Ow." She let out as she soon heard a loud screeching noise coming from inside the cave. Mal eyed it curiously just as a sea of black came flying out of the cave's mouth. Mal was in absolute awe of all the bats that had come flying out, then her eyes widened as the realization came to her. All of the bats were flying away.

"Wait no! I need you guys!" She called out to the bats. But of course that didn't help she couldn't speak bat. And it was then that another lightbulb appeared over her head, maybe she could talk to the bats. She immediately put a spell on herself so that she would able to communicate with the bats. "Hey bats! Come back!" She called out once again.

And most of the bats flew back towards her as they were intrigued by this human girl that was somehow able to communicate with them. "Whoa! Who are you?" One of the bats flew around her and asked her.

"I need at least 50 of you bats to use for a prank." Mal told him.

"Oh I love pranks! I'm in!" The bat responded to her.

"Awesome! Can you get some of your friends to come with?" Mal asked ever so nicely.

"I sure can!" The bat happily replied as he flew over to his friends and asked them about the prank. Mal watched the whole thing while biting her lip hopefully, but finally the bats all flew over to her. "We'll do it!"

Mal smiled as she pumped her fist in the air. "Awesome! Do you mind staying in this cage until the prank is put into action?" Mal asked them.

"As long as you promise to bring us back home when you're done."

Mal nodded to him before opening the cage allowing the bats to fly inside before taking them back to her Jeep. She then drove back to Auradon Prep to set up her prank for Evie. When she got back she covered the cage with a blanket so no one saw her bringing a bunch of bats into the school. She snuck carefully into hers and Evie's dorm, making sure the bluenette wasn't inside as she walked into the closet. She then set the cage on top of a shelf so that Evie wouldn't see it as soon as she opened the door and the bats could fly out pretty easily.

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