Good Old Fashioned Love (Part 2)

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After the first part of the competition and Henry basically telling Evie he hated her dress, Evie was working extra hard to make sure her next outfit was a showstopper and put her up on top. She was sewing like crazy as she took a step back looking at Mal in the outfit as she was using her. She went back to using her needle, intensely focused on finishing the dress. She wasn't even really paying any attention to anything else.

"Ow!" Mal exclaimed as Evie poked her with the needle. Again! "Evie! That's the fifth time!"

"I'm sorry, M. It's just, I need this to look perfect so I'll actually get a good score from Henry." Evie told her before Mal stepped down from the chair she had been standing on. "What are you doing?! Get back up there!"

Mal grabbed a hold of her best friend's hands. "E, you need a break. Why don't we go out and get a bite to eat?" Mal suggested.

"That sounds nice. I could use that." Evie said liking Mal's idea.

"Great! Let's go!" Mal said before they left the hotel room and drove to a nearby restaurant and sat down. "So are you really gonna let what Henry said get to you?"

"Mal, he insulted my dress! I have to prove to him that I am an amazing designer." Evie replied.

"Whether Henry sees it or not, you are amazing, Evie." Mal told her. After they just spent a little of time together while enjoying a nice lunch, they were about to leave and Mal insisted that she pay for the food. So while Mal was going to pay for it, Evie stayed at the table looking through her phone waiting for Mal.

And as she waited, outside of her peripheral vision she saw someone walk past her and sit down across from her. She looked up from her phone and saw it was Henry that sat down.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"You know, what people usual do at a restaurant. Eat." He told her with that annoying smirk that Evie hated on his face.

"Yeah? Well then why aren't you at your own table?"

"I was. But then I saw you over here? Your blue hair is kinda hard to miss." He told her.

Evie rolled her eyes at him. "Well, I need to go. I have an outfit to finish." Evie said swinging her purse over her shoulder and walking out of the restaurant.

Henry couldn't help but stare at Evie as she practically stormed out of there. He breathlessly laughed to himself as he stood up, but it was then that he bumped into Mal.

"Hey Henry!" Mal said as a smile appeared on her face at the sight of him.

"Oh hey..?"


"Mal! Right! I knew that, you here with blue?" He asked.

"I was. Did you see her? She was just here." Mal said trying to look for Evie.

"She was. But then she left pretty quickly when I showed up." Henry told her.

"That girl can be so rude." Mal said shaking her head. "Oh well, she's probably waiting for me in the limo. I'll see you at the competition tomorrow?"

"Yep! See ya!" Henry replied giving her a thumbs up.

Mal went out to the limo where Evie was indeed waiting for her. "Hey! You ready to go?" Mal asked once she was inside.

"Yeah. I still have to finish the outfit." Evie said as their driver took them back to the hotel.

"So, you saw Henry?" Mal asked.

"So I'm guessing you saw him too."

"Well, he's not invisible." Mal joked. "But yes, I did. Why do you have to be so rude to him?" Mal asked her.

"Me?! He's the one that's rude! Insulting me and my designs! And being an all around jerk!" Evie replied.

"Ok, so maybe he's a tad self-absorbed, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still so cute!" Mal said.

"A tad?! Honey, he is more than just a tad self-absorbed!" Evie told her.

Mal shrugged her shoulders as they soon arrived back at the hotel. Evie got right back to sewing as soon as Mal put the unfinished outfit back on. She just hoped it would be good enough to impress Henry in the next part of the competition the next day. She desperately wanted to win, but now, she found herself also wanting Henry to like her designs.

A/N: Yes, I know it was short, but it was all I could come up with. But next week's chapter should hopefully be longer. Anyway, please let me know what you thought! Until the next chapter!!!

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