I Love You

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It was one of those days where the weather was absolutely perfect, and Audrey was out in her garden where she was picking some of her roses and planting more. She picked up one of the roses me lifted it up under her nose gently and sniffed it as its scent filled her nose. She breathed out a sigh just looking up at the sky.

"You look like you're having a good time out here." She heard a familiar voice from behind her.

Audrey smiled as she quickly got up and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck, kissing him passionately. "Jay! What are you doing here?" She asked him once they pulled away but still keeping her arms around her neck.

"Oh you know, I just came to see my girlfriend. Your grandmother told me you were out here, and it almost seems like I have some competition with those roses." He joked with her twirling a piece of her hair between his fingers.

"No need to be jealous of a flower, Jay." She replied also in a joking manner.

"I never said I was jealous. But anyway, I wanted to ask you if you would like to come hang out with me."

"I would love to, babe! Where are you gonna take me?" She asked him. Jay slightly smirked down at her as he said nothing before grabbing her hand and leading her down to a small trail that led into the woods. Audrey stayed silent for awhile as she followed him along the trail. But when he started going of the trail into a deeper part of the woods, she quickly got a little confused as she suddenly stopped, causing Jay to look back at her with his brow furrowed wondering why she had suddenly stopped like she did. "Jay, why are you leading me here?"

"It's because I have somewhere I want to take you. Now, do you trust me?" He asked her.


"Do you trust me?"

Audrey glanced to the other side of Jay, did she really want to follow that trail? But she did want to spend some time with her boyfriend, and they would be alone. "Yes." She hesitantly replied.

And with a satisfied smile set upon his face, Jay continued to follow the trail to wherever he was taking Audrey. Audrey was as curious as ever to find out just where Jay was taking her. They passed by several trees, small creeks, and even some small woodland creatures, and Audrey couldn't help but be intrigued by it all.

And soon enough Jay stopped at a clearing where the woods ended, was a field, just an empty but beautiful field of the greenest grass with a rushing river and a waterfall behind it. It almost reminded her of the enchanted lake.

"Jay, this is beautiful! Where did you find this place? I never even knew about it!"

"I stumbled on it by accident when me and Carlos went kayaking along that river." Jay told her before he grabbed her hand once again.

"Now where are you taking me?" Audrey asked him, but Jay didn't answer her just like before. But she suddenly gasped when she saw Jay had led her over to a small blanket that was on the ground. "Jay! Did you do all this for me?!"

"Of course I did, babe. I would do anything for you. I would give you the whole world if I could." He told her as he helped her sit down before he sat down across from her as he laid down, leaning resting on his elbow and stared at her lovingly. "I love you."

Audrey stared at him, her mouth agape as she was speechless at those three words as they escaped from his lips. They hadn't had said those words to each other yet, and to hear him say it to her made a million butterflies flutter in her stomach. "I love you too!" She replied as she then smashed her lips onto his.

Jay was a little surprised by her at first but he quickly shook it off as he kissed her back. And after they had spent the next 5 minutes just making out with each other, they sat back down across from each other, just looking deep into their eyes. Jay lifted up his hand as he brought it up to her cheek, stroking it gently. Audrey smiled as she loved the feeling of his strong hands on her cheeks. "I never thought I would go from dating a prince in line to be king, to the hottest thief I have met. I love you more than anything, Jay." Audrey told him.

"To be honest, I never thought I'd be dating a princess, but I guess life is just full of surprises." He replied.

"The best surprises." She agreed connecting their lips once more.

A/N: Well, I'm officially back to writing! Oh it feels good to be back, I really missed this. But anyway, I would like to shout out PurpleSkys2 for requesting me to do another Jaudrey one shot, I absolutely love writing these two. They're just so perfect for each other. Anyway, please let me know what you thought. Until the next chapter!!!

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