A Christmas Wedding (Part 6)

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A/N: So before I begin this next part, I would like to once again thank my very good friend Descendantsfan03 for allowing me to use her character little Mal for these next 2 parts as Evie's flower girl in her wedding! Anyway, that's all I wanted to put in this little authors note so with that said, onto part 6!


The countdown was almost finished, there was only one day standing between Henry and Evie and their wedding day. It was almost time for the rehearsal and so Evie was finishing up getting ready as she went downstairs to her coat and her purse. "You almost ready to go babe?" She heard her fiancé ask as he entered the kitchen.

"Yep, just give me a minute." She answered him.

"I'm leaving now E! I'll meet you at the castle." Mal called out as she ran down the stairs.

"Where are you going? Me and Henry can just take you over there with us." Evie told her.

"Well I have to go pick up Mal from that other universe and I can just spell us over to the castle." Mal informed her.

"Oh that's right! Alright then, we'll see you over there. But remember we're having dinner first and that's in the barn."

"Ok see ya!" Mal said before she snapped her fingers transporting her to the other universe to pick up little Mal. She walked up to the house as she knocked on the front door and waited for it be answered.

Evie then opened the door and smiled when she saw Mal standing there. "Oh hey, I just finished getting Mal ready. Mal! Look who's here!" She called out to her daughter who came running to the door as quickly as she could.

"Mal!" She cried out happily as she practically jumped right into the older Mal's arms. "Are we going to the wedding?"

"We're going to the rehearsal for the wedding, that's not until tomorrow." Mal informed the younger version of herself before turning back to Evie. "I'll have her back as soon as we're done."

"Alright then, bye Mal be a good girl and I'll see you later! Mommy loves you!" She said to the toddler as she gave her a kiss to her forehead.

"Bye bye mommy!" Little Mal called out before the older Mal snapped her fingers once again as she transported them to the castle. "Whoa! We're at a castle?!"

"Yep! This is where my Evie is getting married." Mal told the toddler as she began heading over to the barn.

"It looks like my daddy's castle." Little Mal said as she followed her older self into the barn as she swung the door's open for them.

"Your dad has a castle? Who's your dad?" Mal asked out of her curiosity as to who the other Evie could have been with that had a castle. Unless the Henry in that universe had a castle.

"King Ben."

Mal immediately stopped in her tracks as she heard those words come from her toddler self's mouth. "Ok hold up, King Ben is your dad?!"

"Excuse me, what?!" Came Ben's voice as he approached the two Mal's.

"Daddy!" Little Mal yelled as she ran for Ben not realizing that it wasn't her dad.

"Wait Mal, that's not your dad." Mal tried telling the little girl.

"Yes it is!"

Mal slapped her forehead as she had no idea how she was supposed to explain everything in a way that would make sense to a 4 year old. "Mal, this is not your dad because this is his...identical twin?" She tried coming up with something.

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