Something Different

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Audrey was at the tourney field practicing with the cheerleaders for the upcoming game. She normally didn't have a problem with keeping her focus, but for some odd reason, she was finding it difficult. She kept averting her gaze away from the cheerleaders to look over at the team who were also practicing.

She wasn't even paying attention to her moves anymore, she was too distracted by number 8 on the field. The way he was moving as he had a hold of that ball and was running at what seemed like lightening speed as he headed straight for the goal. And Audrey even found herself giggling when he started dancing in celebration when he scored a goal.

Oh and when he took off his helmet and shook his long hair in the wind, that was it for Audrey. "Audrey!" She heard the cheerleaders start calling out to her.

She quickly turned around and kept her focus on the rest of the practice. And when practice was over she started walking over to Jay. But she suddenly stopped. Was she sure about this? She had been crushing on Jay for months now and still had yet to tell him. Could today be the day she finally told him? Audrey decided to just go up to him and tell him the truth.

"Hey Jay!" She greeted him as he sat down on the bench pouring water on his face to cool himself off.

Jay just stared at her a little in confusion, what was Audrey doing talking to him? "Hey?" He responded.

"I know, it's probably a little weird to see me talking to you." She said to him. "Listen Jay, I have realized that I may or may not, kinda sorta, like you."

Jay just stared at her with his mouth open for a few seconds. "Well, I can't blame you, I am good-looking." Audrey rolled her eyes at him as a smirk soon appeared on her face. "Do you wanna get something to eat or something, with me?"

Audrey found herself smiling at him before nodding her head. "I would love to!" She agreed.

Jay sent her his signature smirk before going to the locker rooms. Audrey was excited about this date. She squealed to herself before going over to tell the cheerleaders the news.


"She did what?!" Evie asked in shock as Jay told the three vk's what happened after the practice.

"I know! When she told me I was just as surprised as you guys." He said.

"Well, I knew it was only a matter of time before you two got together." Mal said making the other three turn their heads towards her. "What?! It was so obvious that they both were into each other."

"Meh, she's not wrong." Carlos said.

"Anyway, I need to get ready. I have to pick up Audrey in an hour." Jay said going into the bathroom to get changed.

And once he was ready he asked his friends if he looked good enough for Audrey. And when they gave him the thumbs up, he left to go get Audrey from her dorm. And after he knocked on her door, he waited in the hall for a couple seconds before Audrey opened the door making Jay become speechless at the sight of her.

"Whoa!" Was all he was able to say. But he soon got himself together as he cleared his throat. "You ready to go?"

Audrey nodded as she linked her arm with Jay's. He took her to a little cafe that wasn't too far off campus. "So how long did you know you were into me?" He asked trying to start a conversation as they sat waiting for their food.

"Oh I don't know, maybe three of four months." She replied making Jay just about choke on his drink.

"Months?" He asked very much in shock.

"Yes. What about you?" She asked in return.

"Well, I don't know exactly, but I knew for sure about three weeks ago."

Audrey just nodded. "You know, you are an amazing tourney player." She said as they grabbed each other's hands.

Jay put on his smirk again. "Yeah, I did know that. But did you know, that you are an amazing cheerleader? Doing all those flips and stuff."

Audrey looked down at her lap as a hint of pink colored her cheeks. "I guess I am pretty good at that stuff." She replied.

They continued to carry on a conversation with each other, just having a good time together. And at the end of the date, Jay walked her back to her dorm. "I had a great time. We'll have to do it again." Jay said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, we will. How about next week?" Audrey suggested.

"Sounds great! I'll see ya around." Jay said about to walk away.

But Audrey stopped him when she grabbed him by the collar of his jacket. And she planted her lips on his, kissing him. Jay was a little surprised at first, but quickly kissed her back, deepening that kiss.

"Wow." Audrey said once they pulled away.

"Wow is right." Jay agreed.

After that, they said their goodbyes before Jay left. He pumped his fist as he walked back to his dorm to tell his friends all about his date.

"So? How did it go?" Evie asked him when she saw Jay had gotten back.

"It went great!" Jay said. "We just talked and stuff but when I got her back to her dorm. She kissed me."

Carlos whistled at him making Jay shove him off the bed playfully as the rest of them laughed. "Sounds like you had a good time." Mal said.

"We did. And we're going out again next week." He told her.

"Well then, looks like you two really like each other." Carlos told him.

"We do, man!"

A/N: Well? How was it? This was my first time writing something for Jay and Audrey. I hope you all liked it. Shout out to PurpleSkys2 for suggesting me to write a one shot for Jay and Audrey. So please let me know what you all thought! And leave a request for another one shot or short story if you have any. Until the next chapter!!!

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