A Christmas Wedding (Final Part)

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It was here, it was finally here. Henry and Evie's wedding day, and a Christmas Day itself. Evie and all her bridesmaids were in one of the many bedrooms in the castle getting ready for the ceremony that would take place in just a few short hours. Dizzy was styling Evie's hair as she sat in front of her vanity. "Can you believe you're about to get married?"

"Honestly, it feels like it might be a dream." Evie replied as she smiled at her reflection.

"Now that is sweet!" Dizzy said as she finished putting Evie's blue hair into a bun. "Ok, your hair is done! Let me do the other girls hair real quick then we can get you into your dress."

"Alright, I'll just do my makeup." Evie replied as she gathered all of the makeup she had chosen to wear for that day. Dizzy gave her a thumbs up as she went to do Mal's hair next.

But as Dizzy approached the maid of honor, she couldn't help but notice that the girl looked kind of out of everything going on around her. She didn't understand as to why Mal looked somewhat upset, especially when it was her best friend's wedding day. "Hey Mal, is something wrong?" She asked her as she set her curling iron down on vanity Mal was sitting at.

Mal, hearing Dizzy's voice, was quick to put on a fake smile as she began to do her hair. "Oh hey Diz! I'm fine I'm just a little tired, that's all." She didn't really feel like talking about the previous night with her dad.

When Evie heard the conversation Dizzy was having with Mal, she felt like she needed to jump in or something especially after she the look on her sister's face. "M, what's wrong?" She asked her in concern as she stood behind her and squeezed her shoulders a little.

"Nothing E, I'm fine. Really, like I told Dizzy I'm just tired." Mal tried telling her friends. But Evie wasn't buying any of it. She knew Mal, and she wasn't just tired. There was something else that was bothering her best friend.

"Mal come on, what's going on?"

"Evie, it really is nothing. Besides, I don't want to ruin your special day with my problems. I've already done it enough to you."

"This is about yesterday isn't it?" Evie suddenly asked as she remembered the whole Hades incident just the previous night at the rehearsal. Mal nodded her head in response as she looked down at her folded hands that were sitting on her lap. "M, I'm really sorry about that. But I just really don't want him at my wedding. He doesn't deserve to be there as if he never even walked out on my mom as soon as she found out she was having me."

"Can we please just stop talking about it now?" Mal asked her.

Evie softly replied with a 'yeah' before heading back over to her vanity and finishing up her makeup. After Dizzy had finished up with all the girls hair, she went over to Evie who had her dress ready as they went to go put it on her.

"Oh I can't wait to see Evie in her dress!" Audrey squealed as all the girls were sitting on the bed waiting to see Evie. And as they were all waiting someone knocked on the door very loudly. "Who is it?!"

"Hello Ms. Audrey! It's me, your butler Frank, could I see Ms. Evie?" A voice sounded from the other side.

"Frank, what are you doing here and why do you need to see Evie?" Audrey asked confusedly from the bed.

"Because I have a..message for her." He replied with a bit of hesitation in his voice which was weird.

"Ok hold on." Audrey said as she approached the door and went to open the door. And as soon as that door was opened Audrey saw that it was not Frank who was at the door, but instead it was Henry. She slapped his arm as he looked at her with a confused expression. "You are so sneaky! Trying to trick us so you can see your bride before you're allowed."

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