The Little Dragon (Part 2)

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Evie laid Mal down gently on her bed beside her, putting pillows on both sides of her so she wouldn't fall off. Evie kissed her forehead as Mal shifted to where she was curled up in the blankets. Evie felt herself smiling at the little girl. She then went over to her desk and began to make clothes for her so she had more than just the outfit she had on.

She made her a little dress that had Mal's dragon symbol on it, and a little jumper with a crown on it. And a shirt that said "Little dragon" on it. And she made her a nightgown that was purple. And another dress that was purple and green with accents of blue on the sleeves. Evie, was satisfied with that to start with. And by the time she had finished with all of those outfits, she was tired. So she looked over at her clock to see it was almost 10 o'clock.

She got changed into her pajamas before laying down on her bed with Mal cuddled up next to her. Evie smiled kissing her head before falling asleep.


Evie was in a deep sleep, enjoying it. She had been extra tired after making all those outfits for Mal. But her sleep was interrupted when she felt something repeatedly pressing on her chest. She tried to ignore it, but it didn't stop. She opened her eyes and saw Mal wide awake sitting on top of her and jumping on her.

"Mal! What are you doing up? The sun's not even out yet!" Evie said sitting up with the toddler on her lap.

"I not tired!" Mal told her.

"Of course you're not." Evie said rubbing her eyes as she was still very tired. "Mal, you need to go back to sleep."

"No!" Mal yelled making Evie groan.

"Mal please, I am tired and we both should be asleep." Evie told her. "Please, just lay down, close your eyes, and go to sleep."

Evie put Mal beside her, covered her up with the blankets and tried to fall back asleep. But she felt Mal start moving again as she pulled on Evie's eyelids.

"Hi!" Mal said giggling her little head off practically.

"Mal stop, please! I need you to go to sleep." Evie tried telling her again laying Mal back down again.

"I not sleepy!" Mal yelled again.

"Go to sleep." Evie said laying back down and closing her eyes.

But of course, she felt Mal move again. But she felt Mal cuddle up against her and she opened her eyes to see Mal against her chest and looking up at her as she started rubbing Evie's cheek. "I wob you, Ebie." She whispered.

Evie smiled at her affectionately as she held back an aw. "I love you too, Mal. Now go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning." Evie told her once again kissing her forehead before both of them finally fell asleep.

And Mal didn't wake her up again until about 7:30. Evie slowly sat up as she heard Mal talking. She quickly scanned the room looking for the toddler, and she saw her poking on Maleficent's lizard cage, talking to it.

"Mal! Get away from there!" She yelled grabbing the cage and putting it up out of her reach. She saw Mal stick her lip out before she started crying. Evie softened her gaze as she got down on her knees in front of her. "Hey, it's ok Mal. Don't cry. It's just, I don't want you to play with her."

Mal sniffed as Evie wiped away her tears. "Why not?" She asked quietly.

Evie just sucked in a breath. She wasn't about to tell her who that lizard really was. "It's just not a good idea, ok?"

Mal nodded her head. Evie then took Mal to get her dressed before they went down to the cafeteria to get breakfast. They met up with their friends at their table. She gave Henry a good morning kiss as she sat down with Mal on her lap as she started smashing her food with her hands.

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