You're Mine

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Evie was in the kitchen baking cookies for an upcoming movie night that she and the three other vk's were going to have. Speaking of the three other vk's they were in the kitchen with her. But they weren't helping her. Jay and Carlos were wrestling each other, and Mal was sitting on the counter cheering Jay on.

Jay had his arm wrapped around Carlos' neck and was dragging him around, and he ended up shoving Carlos into the counter, dropping over ingredients.

"Boys! Stop it!" Evie scolded them.

"Why? We're having fun! It's not like you're our mom." Jay joked.

"Yeah? Well, you sure need one." Evie mumbled under her breath getting back to putting cookies on the cookie sheet. Mal grabbed a ball of cookie dough off the sheet, making Evie narrow her eyes at her. "Seriously Mal?! That's the third time!"

"What? It's good!" Mal said with her mouth full.

"I swear, you three are acting like a bunch of two year olds!" She yelled. Mal reached over and tried to grab another ball of cookie dough, but Evie slapped her hand. "No more! Wait until they come out of the oven!"

Mal huffed as she crossed her arms, sitting back on the counter. "You're not fair!" She said.

"Would you grow up? You're acting like a big baby, act your age, please." Evie told her. She was getting quite frustrated with them. It was like she was friends with toddlers. But that, of course, was only the beginning.


A couple weeks later, Evie had suggested that Jay take Mal and Carlos out for a quiet, and calm drive. And Evie was enjoying all of the quiet in the dorm as she decided it would be good for her to take a nap.

Meanwhile, Jay was speeding down the interstate with the top down on his mustang while Mal and Carlos were in the backseat screaming their heads off.

"This is so awesome!" Mal screamed.

"It's totally wicked!" Carlos screamed as he agreed with her.

But just then, sirens could be heard coming from behind them. Mal and Carlos looked behind them to see a police car following them. "Um, Jay? We have a problem." She said.

Jay looked through the rearview mirror to see the cops chasing them. "Not for long!" He said before going even faster as he darted across the lanes and over to the exit. He didn't stop for any red lights, he was drifting over every turn, and he didn't stop for anything. It's a miracle they didn't have an accident. Mal looked behind them again to see five cops now chasing them.

"Jay! There's five of them!" She told him.

Jay was doing donuts in an intersection as he thought that he had lost the cops, but once he saw them coming, he started speeding again. But the chase soon came to an end when his car ran out of fuel and he was forced to come to a stop. Three of the officers, pointing their guns at Jay, slowly approached the car.

"Alright! Everyone step out of the vehicle with your hands on your head!" The cops yelled.

"Look what you got us into Jay!" Mal whispered at him.

"I got this." He whispered back as they got out of the car. But Jay didn't put his hands on his head he just tried to step towards them. "Okay listen here, officers-"

"Put your hands on your head!" They yelled at him.

"Just listen, this isn't what it looks like-"

"Get down on your knees now!" They yelled at him even louder.

But Jay wasn't doing any of that. Eventually the cops had to handcuff him, along with Mal and Carlos. "Nice going, Jay!" Mal told him as they were put in the back of one of the squad cars.

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