The Little Dragon (Part 3)

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After another rough night of trying to get Mal to sleep, Evie wasn't able to fall asleep until almost 2 a.m. And to make things worse she had school the next day and she was going to have to take Mal with her. That was definitely going to be interesting.

So on that morning she had to wake up earlier to make sure that both she and Mal were ready so that they could make it to her classes on time. So she had to wake up at like five. She got up and got herself ready so Mal could sleep as long as possible. It always took Evie awhile to get completely ready, as she had to take a shower and put her makeup on which also took her awhile.

When she was done, she picked up a still sleeping Mal as she changed her out of her nightgown and got her dressed. Mal somehow didn't wake up as Evie did so, which very much surprised her. But Evie just packed a diaper bag cause she could never be too prepared. She then grabbed her backpack before picking up Mal and left the dorm. She went to her locker and struggled to get it open as her hands were full. But luckily, her boyfriend came to her rescue.

Henry took Mal from her and held her while Evie put her things in her locker and got a few things out. "Thanks so much, babe." Evie said kissing his cheek. "I have no idea how I'm going to do this today. Especially when she wakes up. At least she's still asleep right now."

Henry slightly laughed glancing down at the sleeping toddler resting on his shoulder. "Anything for you, Eve." He replied as he carried Mal for her as he walked her to her first class. "If you need any help just let me know, ok?"

Evie nodded as she took Mal back from him and entered her chemistry classroom. "I will! I'll see you in a bit!" She told him blowing him a kiss before walking into the classroom.

Mr. Deley turned to look at Evie who had come into the classroom carrying a sleeping toddler. "Ms. Queen. You know better than to bring a child to school." He told her.

"I know, Mr. Deley and I apologize but you don't understand. This is Mal and I have no one to watch her, and I had no choice but to bring her with me." Evie replied.

"Evie. A chemistry classroom is no place for a toddler, you of all people should know that!" He said raising his voice causing the toddler to stir in her sleep.

Evie rubbed her back hoping it would keep her asleep. "I do know that." Evie replied in a whisper. "But I don't really have a choice right now."

Mr. Deley sighed before just gesturing for Evie to take a seat. Evie set her backpack down on the ground before sitting down with Mal still sleeping on her lap. She did the assignment fairly quickly and without a problem but when Mal began shifting in her sleep, Evie tried her best to keep the little girl asleep.

But Evie knew that she couldn't keep Mal asleep forever. Mal sat up and rubbed her eyes with her little fist. "Ebie?" She asked.

Evie put her finger to her lips telling Mal to keep quiet. She got out a coloring book and crayons for Mal to color in her classes. Mal sat in Evie's lap content with coloring a dragon in the coloring book Evie had given her. But she had eventually gotten bored of that. So she started coloring on Evie's paper without Evie even realizing it. But when Evie did realize it her eyes widened.

"Mal, no!" She whispered. Evie picked up an eraser but she knew that it wouldn't erase a crayon very well. Mal started crying thinking Evie was gonna punish her as that was her mother always did.

Mr. Deley sighed as he turned to Evie. "Ms. Queen, maybe it would be a good idea just to do your schoolwork in your dorm and take care of your little one."

Evie closed her eyes and groaned into her hands. "But-"

"Ms. Queen, now isn't the time to argue. She is interrupting my class, now please, just do it in your dorm." Mr. Deley told her leaving no room for argument.

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