Little Vk's (Part 1)

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The core 4 had gone on a vacation at the beach, Evie and Henry were laying on their beach towels quietly chatting while tanning in the sun. Mal, Jay, and Carlos were running around in the sand playing freeze tag together like a bunch of little kids.

"Ha! You'll never catch me Jay, I'm too fast for you!" Mal taunted as Jay was chasing after her but Mal was darting every which way so it was making hard for Jay to tag her.

"Mal! Come save me please!" Carlos yelled out desperately as he was still frozen from when Jay tagged me.

"I'm coming my small, helpless boyfriend!" Mal yelled back playfully running towards Carlos and tagging him.

"Yes!" Carlos yelled as he danced in celebration. But as Jay was still chasing after Mal, he passed by a dancing Carlos and tagged him once again. "Oh come on!"

"That's why you never celebrate early!" Jay yelled back at him.

Carlos stuck his lip out as he stayed frozen in his place, watching Jay chase after Mal who only seemed to get faster. But soon enough, Jay sped up as well and Mal didn't even realize it. And when Jay had finally caught up to her he pounced on her bringing her down to the ground with him on top of her. Mal shrieked as she felt that sudden weight on her back and fell onto the sand. And as they landed harshly Mal tried holding out her hands to somehow stop herself, but when she did, three fireballs of her magic went flying from her hands and went flying through the air as they bounced off of different objects and umbrellas and other things.

The three vk's eyes were wide as they kept their eyes on those fireballs before one headed straight for Carlos, and the other two towards Mal and Jay. And when they collided with them, puffs of purple, red, and black smoke surrounded them.

Evie and Henry, who were still sitting in the lawn chairs saw their friends get engulfed in the puffs of smoke. Evie shot up and ran over to them, but before she could make it to them the smoke disappeared and where her friends had been not even a moment before had been replaced by three toddlers.

Evie's eyes widened as she saw them. "Oh no, not this again!" She said rushing over to them.

"Hey! Where awe we?" The toddler Evie knew to be Carlos asked.

"I don't know!" The purple-haired toddler that was definitely Mal replied.

"I can't see! My beanie is too big!" Evie looked over at Jay to see his beanie was covering his whole face.

Evie walked over to him and got the beanie off his head. "There you go. Is that better?" She asked him.

"Who are you?" Jay asked her.

"I'm Evie, here let's go get Mal and Carlos." Evie told him as she held out her hand to him and led him over to Mal.

"Ebie!" Mal yelled when she saw Evie get down on her knees in front of her.

"You remember me, Mal?" Evie asked her. Mal didn't answer her as she got on her lap and hugged onto her chest the best a girl of her size could. "I'll take that as a yes." Evie picked Mal up and held her on her hip as she went over to Carlos while also holding onto Jay's hand still.

When Carlos saw the strange girl he didn't recognize coming towards him, he started freaking out and tried to run away. But since he had never been around sand before, he couldn't run very far before he tumbled and got a face full of sand. He started crying as Evie ran over to him and picked him putting him on her other hip.

"Aw, are you okay, Carlos?" Evie asked him.

"Who awe you?" He asked her quietly as he wiped his eyes.

"It's ok, it's just me Evie, I'm just a lot older." She told him.


Evie nodded at him, as she looked over at Henry who was still laying on his towel tanning, completely clueless about the situation they were now in. She rolled her eyes at her clueless boyfriend as she headed over to him with a toddler Jay walking beside her and a toddler Mal and Carlos on both of her hips. Evie kicked his side with her foot getting his attention.

"Evie? What are you doing with those kids? Wait, is that Mal? Again?!" He asked as he sat up resting on his elbows.

"Yes, except this time it's Mal, Jay, and Carlos." Evie replied.

"You're kidding. But this is our vacation! How are we going to turn them back?!" He asked.

"I don't know. Why does this always have to happen?" Evie hung her head.

Mal lifted Evie's head as she held her cheeks in her little hands. "It okay Ebie!" She told her.

Evie smiled at her with a tired look in her eyes. "You may be cute, but I know you are so much trouble. I don't even want to think of how much trouble you three are gonna cause." She said looking at her three toddler turned friends. They all smiled up at her that pretty much told her she was in for one wild ride.

A/N: Well? What do you all think so far? I would like to shout out my good friend Melody for giving me this idea, I had a lot of fun coming up with this idea with you! So please let me know what you all thought of this and if there is anything that you want to see happen in this short story, please let me know and I will write it for you! Until the next chapter!!!

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