Good Old Fashioned Love (Part 1)

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Summary: After Evie had been chosen to participate in one of the biggest fashion competitions, she meets one of the judges and already dislikes him. And after he judges her outfits, Evie realizes he's anything but charming. With how he judges Evie's outfits, will she be able to win the competition and maybe just maybe fall in love along the way?


"Come on, M! Hurry up, we have to be there by tonight!" Evie yelled to her best friend as they were packing pretty much all of her designs and materials into the limo. They were heading to a big fashion competition that Evie had been invited to compete in. And Evie, of course, couldn't say no.

"I'm coming!" Mal called as she came out dragging out a huge suitcase. "Are you sure we need to bring all of this stuff?"

"Yes! Now hurry up and get it in the limo!" Evie said.

Mal struggled to pick up the large suitcase and put it in the limo. "Could you give me a hand?" Mal asked as she was having a hard time and all Evie was doing was standing there just watching her.
Evie sighed and helped Mal load it into the limo before they climbed in and left to the competition. "You wanna know what I heard?" Mal asked giving Evie a little smirk as she raised her eyebrows up and down at her.

"What did you hear?" Evie asked her.

"I heard that Henry Weber is one of the judges!" Mal replied.

"Ugh, that self-absorbed tourney player?"

"No. That hot self-absorbed tourney player." Mal corrected her.

"He's anything but hot. he's got such a huge ego, and thinks he's the greatest tourney player of all time."  Evie said rolling her eyes.

"Oh come on, Evie. He's amazing at it!" Mal tried telling her.

"Well, that's your opinion." Evie replied. She wasn't going to be changing her mind about Henry anytime soon.


The next day after Evie and Mal had arrived, they were signing in, to officially enter the competition. Mal bumped Evie's arm as she saw Henry coming into the room with a few body guards as he had his phone in his face.

"Let's go meet him!" Mal said grabbing her arm and dragged her over to Auradon.

"No, no! Mal, no!" Evie said trying to break free from Mal. But Mal wasn't about to let go of her.

"Hello, Mr. Weber! Me and my friend here are big fans." Mal said causing the athlete to look up at them.

"Speak for yourself." Evie said slapping Mal's shoulder.

"Well, it's always a pleasure to meet my fans. Would you two beautiful ladies like an autograph?" He asked holding up two pictures of himself.

"Oh we would love them!" Mal said.

Henry flashed a smile at them before singing them and giving them to the two girls. He winked at Evie giving her a smirk along with it.

Evie scoffed at him as she crossed her arms. "You have the biggest ego of anyone that I have ever met." She told him.

"Yes, I do. The e is for extremely good looks g for greatness and o for outstanding performance!" He said running his hand over his slicked back hair.

Evie rolled her eyes before walking away. "You've gotta excuse her, she can be a bit rude when you first meet her." Mal told him.

"Yeah, but she'll change her mind. They always do. I'll see you around...I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"It's Mal." She told him shaking his hand.

"Mal. I'll try to remember that." Henry said flashing her a smile before he walked on.

Mal sighed as she went back over to Evie. "Can you believe we just talked to Henry Weber? The Henry Weber!"

"Mal, come on. He is so egotistical it is unbelievable." Evie told her. Mal shrugged her shoulders at her before they went to go prepare for the first part of the competition that night.


Soon enough, it was time for the first part of the competition to begin. Evie was looking over the dress Mal was wearing as she had chosen her to be her model. "Ok, I'd say you are runway ready." Evie told her.

"Okay! You got this Evie. You are so gonna win this!" Mal told her.

"Don't jinx me." Evie joked.

Mal just laughed at her before the competition started and all the models showed off their outfits, allowing the judges to..well, judge the outfits before the designers came out and stood with the models.

"And last, but not least, we have Evie Queen." One of the judges said. "I like the dress, it's unique and you don't see designs like that too often. I give it a 6.5."

"I agree with Joe, it is a very unique design and I must say, I absolutely love it. I give it an 8." The second judge said before all heads turned to Evie.

"Well, I would say it is definitely unique, but I don't know if it's in a good way for me. If any of your other designs are anything like this I would probably be left unimpressed. For me I'd give it a 4." Henry said.

Evie just stared at him in shock. He did not just say that about her dress. Once the first part was over and Evie saw Henry walking past her, she went over to him. "I'm sorry, but what exactly was that?!" She asked him.

"I'm just doing what I'm told! Which is to judge." He told her. "Listen, your design. They need more flavor. Some more spice. All I can say is next time, leave me in awe. Leave me impressed. Add some more spice to the recipe. Good luck." He patted her shoulder as he started to walk away.

"My designs are not a pot of soup!" Evie yelled after him causing him to stop and turn around. "I'm sorry if you don't like my designs, but I will design them how I want."

"Well then, it's gonna be pretty hard for you to win now isn't it?" Henry told her before he officially left.

Evie blew out an annoyed breath before storming off. She was going to win, and that jerk wasn't going to stop her.

A/N: I came up with this idea a long time ago and it had been sitting in my idea book for two years so I decided to finally write it down. I hope you all are enjoying this so far. Please let me know what you thought. Until the next chapter!!!

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