The Birthday Surprise

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It was a beautiful spring morning at Auradon Prep, and Audrey was walking down the hallways and to her locker, getting ready for yet another day of school. And when she got there she caught sight of her gorgeous boyfriend leaning against her locker with his signature smirk on his face that sent butterflies soaring in her stomach.

"Hey foxy!" He greeted her.

Audrey couldn't help but giggle at his pet name for her as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Hey Jay, what are you doing?" She asked him.

"Oh you know, I just wanted to see my girlfriend before I headed to class. And I was hoping she would maybe give me a kiss." He told her.

Audrey could feel her cheeks heat up as she closed the space between them as their lips moved against each other's. She tangled her fingers in Jay's hair as she deepened the kiss. And finally, when they pulled away from each other they stared into each other's eyes.

"That is exactly what I needed to have motivation to go through this day." Jay said sending her a smile that made Audrey go weak in the knees.

"Same here. Well, I guess it's about time to go to class." Audrey said to him.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll see you around." Jay replied as he slung his bag over his shoulder before heading down the hall and to his first class of the day.

And as Audrey then started going through the locker, she heard someone approach her side. So she turned her head to see Evie standing there with a smile across her face. "Hey Evie! What's up?" She asked her.

"Oh you know, getting ready for school. So are you doing anything special today?" Evie asked.

Audrey looked at her with her eyebrow raised slightly. "What do you mean?"

"You know? With Jay? I assumed you would have something planned." Evie told her.

"Why would I have anything planned? It's just a normal day."

"Wait, do you seriously not know?"

"Know what?"

"Today is Jay's birthday." Evie told her.

"Wait, actually? Then how come he didn't tell me?" Audrey asked.

"Well, Jay isn't the kind of person who likes to make a big deal about his birthday, but I still thought he would've told you."

"Well, now that I know it is his birthday today I'll do something. I'll just have to figure out what, which shouldn't take too long. Hopefully."

"Ok, if you need help, I'm here for ya!" Evie told her as she patted her shoulder lightly before heading to her class.

Audrey soon went to her own class as well. And for most of the time she spent in her classes, she tried to think of the perfect way to celebrate her boyfriend's birthday. And when she finally did think of it, she headed to the tourney field after school where she knew Jay was at practice.

When she and Jay made eye contact, she waved her hand at him, gesturing for him to come to her, which he was quick to do so. "Hey babe! What brings you here? I thought you and the cheerleaders were practicing tomorrow."

"We are. But it seems that you forgot to tell me it was your birthday today." She said to him.

"So you found out, huh?"

"Yes! Why didn't you tell me?" She asked him.

"Because, it's just another day, I don't want people making a big fuss over nothing." He replied.

"But this isn't nothing. It's your birthday! It deserves to be celebrated."

"And how do you want to celebrate it?" He asked.

"That is the question I'm supposed to be asking you." She said pointing her finger at him.

"I don't know! I've never really celebrated my birthday. My dad never really cared enough, and me and the vk's always told me happy birthday and I was satisfied with that."

"Well then, that changes today. How about I take you to a tourney game?" Audrey asked holding up two tickets to Jay's favorite team's game.

Jay's eyes just about fell out of his head as he held those tickets in his hands. "Are you kidding me right now? You got these tickets for me?!" He asked in pure shock.

"Of course I did! It's your birthday, I had to go all out."

"No, you didn't. But I will accept this. Thanks so much babe!" He said to her as he picked her up and brought her in for a kiss.

"You're welcome! It was worth it." She replied once they pulled away.


That night, Jay and Audrey headed to the tourney game together and had a great time. Audrey had never really been to a professional tourney game before, mostly because she wasn't a sports person. But she enjoyed it, and she enjoyed being with her boyfriend.

And she also enjoyed seeing Jay so happy. And the absolute joy he had when he was jumping up and down and dancing when his favorite team had won the game.

But the best part, was when Audrey surprised him with going down to the field to meet the team and get their autographs. Audrey had never seen Jay so happy, and it was then that she knew for sure that she had succeeded in making this the best birthday for Jay.

"This was, by far,the most amazing birthday I ever had! I'm still in shock that you did all this for me." Jay said to his girlfriend as he drove them back to Auradon Prep.

"I'm glad you had fun. I love you! And happy birthday!"

"Thanks Audrey, you really are the best! I love you too!" He said, turning his head to kiss her quickly before looking back out at the road. He truly had the best girlfriend in the world to even think of doing that for him on his birthday.

A/N: Well? What did you all think? I hope you all enjoyed this, I had been planning this for a week now and I was happy that I was finally able to do it. But now, after this I'll get back to writing Little Vk's. But please, let me know what you thought of this! Until the next chapter!!!

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