Spell Gone Wrong

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Mal and Uma were outside of Evie's castle as they were working together to make their shape shifting spell work on an apple. Mal kept hitting it, but every time it would just explode. "Ok! I'm done! I'm covered in apple sauce." Uma yelled as she went back inside as Evie stared at her weirdly coming outside with a pitcher of lemonade.

"So, I take it the spell isn't working." She said to Mal setting the pitcher on the table.

"Nope. We just keep making apple sauce." Mal replied as she drank the cup of lemonade Evie handed her.

Carlos soon came running over to the table drenched in his own sweat as he chugged a cup of lemonade. "What have you been doing?" Evie asked him.

"Me, Jay, Harry, and Gil are playing tourney together." He told her pouring himself another cup. "Mm, this stuff is really good, E."

Evie smiled at him as he ran back over to the boys. And after Uma had cleaned herself off she went back outside to try the spell again with Mal. "Ok, let's try it one more time." She said.

Mal nodded her head as she and Uma stood side-by-side and chanted the spell they had been chanting all day. And as they did so, Jay threw the ball high and far and Carlos went running for it just as a wave of magic went flying from Mal and Uma's spell, missing the apple, and just as Carlos caught the ball in his stick the spell hit him right in the chest. And a white light shone around around Carlos before a little Dalmation puppy could be seen on the ground.

Mal and Uma turned their heads towards each other with their eyes wide open and their mouths hanging open in their shock. "Uma! You just turned my boyfriend into a puppy!" Mal yelled as they ran over to Carlos.

"Me?! You're seriously blaming me for this?! We said the spell together!" Uma yelled back at her.

Evie came running out of her castle at the sound of yelling. "What's going on?!" She started yelling as well.

"Uma turned Carlos into a puppy!" Mal yelled as Uma looked at her in shock.

"She means she turned Carlos into a puppy!" Uma yelled pointing at the purple fairy.

Then it was Mal's turn to look at Uma in shock."Ok, you two, you both did it. But we have to figure out a way to turn Carlos back." Evie said as she picked Carlos up into her arms.

"Ok, let me try to turn him back." Mal said rubbing her hands together about to try another spell.

"Hold it!" Uma yelled making Mal stop and look at her. "What if you make him explode like you did all of those apples?"

"He didn't explode when the spell hit him." Mal told her.

"Well, doing another spell you've never done before might make him explode." Uma replied.

"How do you know I've never done it before?" Mal asked crossing her arms.

"Oh puh-lease! How many puppies have you turned back to humans?" Mal didn't answer her which made Uma nod her head as she knew she had been right.

Evie rolled her eyes at the two girls who were arguing with each other. "Oh come on you guys, can't you two just get along with each other, for once?"

"We have, and every time we've tried, you've gotten jealous and demand Uma stay away and we remain enemies." Mal said to Evie making her furrow her brow. "Don't pretend to be clueless, you know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"I guess you're not wrong." Evie replied before Carlos in his puppy form barked at them. "Ok, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna head over to Auradon Prep and get FG. Mal and Uma, you two will stay here and watch Carlos and make sure he doesn't ruin anything, maybe let him play with Fireball and Dude, and then I'll bring FG back here and get her to turn Carlos back."

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