Mal and the Reindeer (Part 2)

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A/N: Ok once again I wanted to put a quick note here before you guys read this so it's not confusing for you. So if you read Descendantsfan03's mini story like this one, this is pretty much going to be the same way in that I'm going to give the two Evie's their own code names (cause that sounds cool lol) so Descendantsfan03's Evie will be known as Evie 1 and my Evie will be Evie 2 so it's not confusing for you to read this. With all that said it's time to get on to part 2, so you here you guys go!


Mal and Evie were left in a state of shock after this newfound information. They just stood there staring at the other Evie and down at little Mal while they were just looking back at them a little weirded out by the way they were just staring at them. "Um, are you two okay?" Evie 1 asked them as she waved a hand in front of their faces.

Evie 2 was able to shake herself out of her shock and bring Mal out of it as well as she looked back over at Evie 1. "Sorry about that, I just wasn't expecting those words to be said."

"That's okay, I suppose it is a bit of a shock. I'll explain everything inside." Evie 1 told them as she grabbed little Mal's hand and led the other two girls inside as well. They went through the front door and to the living room as they all sat down across from each other on the two couches. Evie 1 picked up little Mal and held her on a lap as she got ready to explain everything to the lookalikes across from her.

"I'm ready for that explanation now." Mal said to Evie 1 making Evie 2 lightly smack her arm at that.

"Just be patient Mal, she doesn't have to explain things right away." Evie 2 told her Mal.

Evie 1 slightly smiled before opening her mouth getting ready to speak. "Ok, so about 2 years ago I found out everything I thought I knew was a lie. The Mal I thought I knew wasn't just my best friend she was actually my baby sister that I was forced to forget about."

"Wait a minute! But you just said outside that she was your daughter and now she's your baby sister? Which one is it?" Mal asked as she was now getting confused.

"She's both. She's my little sister, but I've been raising her for the past 2 years and I guess that just made me start seeing her as my daughter."

"So then, technically she's not your daughter?" Mal asked a new question.

"Technically, yes. But I couldn't care less about that, as far as I'm concerned Mal is my daughter." Evie 1 told her.

"That's adorable!" Evie 2 said to her lookalike.

Evie 1 smiled in response as she hugged little Mal closer to her. "Thanks, I can't imagine my life without her, she's my whole world."

Both Evie 2 and Mal smiled at the adorable sight in front of them. "Well, I guess that kind of explains things. It certainly is an interesting story." Mal said to her.

Evie 1 nodded before little Mal started squirming in her arms as she wanted down. Evie 1 let go of Mal and let her run right up to the older version of herself. "Can we go play in my room now!" She yelled out to Mal as she wanted to play with the older girl.

"Yeah sure kid, that sounds fun!" Mal agreed as she stood up and let the toddler grab her hand as she ran off with her into her room.

The two Evie's laughed at the adorable sight. "Now that is cute!" Evie 1 said turning to the other Evie still sitting across from her.

"Yeah it is. So would you say it's difficult to take care of her?" Evie 2 asked herself as she was curious, especially she had a difficult experience when Mal had spelled herself into a toddler.

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