A Descendants Christmas (Part 1)

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It was that time of year again, the time of year when everyone was getting out their beanies, coffees, and Christmas decor

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It was that time of year again, the time of year when everyone was getting out their beanies, coffees, and Christmas decor. Yep, you guessed it it was Christmas once again. Evie was excited as ever to be getting out all of her decorations again, the wreath was back up along with all the garlands, the tree and most important of all, the mistletoe. She, along with Mal, was putting all the ornaments on the tree and getting ready to put the lights on which Mal was currently trying to untangle.

"Ugh! These things are so frustrating!" Mal yelled as she threw the tangled lights away from her. "Next year let's just buy a fake tree with the lights already on it."

Evie lightly giggled as she bent down to grab more ornaments out of the box. "Oh Mal, we both know it's our tradition to buy a real tree. A fake tree is no fun."

"Uh yeah! It's lots of fun, especially when you don't have to untangle the lights every year." Mal replied as she crossed her arms in an upset huff.

"Here, let me try." Evie said as she went to grab the lights and began untangling them with what looked like absolute ease. Mal stared at her with wide eyes as Evie untangled them without any struggle. "There you go. Now you can start putting them on the tree." Mal wasn't able to utter a single word as she slowly stood up to put the lights on the tree. She was still in shock from whatever it was that just happened. Evie went up to Mal and helped her string the lights up and down the whole tree so the work would go faster.

After all the lights had been wrapped around the tree, Mal and Evie stepped back to admire their tree before going to plug them in and turn on the lights. "Wow, it looks really good." Mal said as she admired the tree.

"It does, and now it's time for the best part. Turning it on." Evie replied.

"You do the honors this year." Mal told her best friend as she handed her the cord.

Evie smiled in response as she took the cord and plugged it in as the Christmas tree lit up their room. She, along with Mal, stepped back to admire their now fully decorated tree. "Merry Christmas, M." She said bringing Mal into her side for a hug.

"You too, E."

"I've come bearing egg nog!" Henry shouted coming into the room with Jay and Carlos while holding onto a tray with 5 cups filled with egg nog.

"Yes! The good stuff!" Mal raised her hands in the air excitedly as they gathered around Evie's table to drink it.

"I see you girls got your tree up. It looks nice." Jay told the two girls as he took a sip from his glass.

"Why thank you Jay, we are rather proud of it." Evie replied looking over her shoulder at the tree.

Henry smiled as he went to stand next to his girlfriend and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, it looks great. Great job you two!" He agreed. Evie looked up at him with a proud smile as she gave him a kiss.

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