A Descendants Christmas (Part 5)

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It was finally here. December 24th, Christmas Eve, which meant it was the day of the Christmas Eve Ball. Evie and the girls were rushing to finish the last of the orders for the Ball, they only had 10 left to finish so they were excited to get it all done within the next hour or two. And as they were working a quick knock sounded on the door, Evie turned her head and smiled when she saw it was Jay standing there with a bouquet of roses in his arms.

"Audrey, your boyfriend's here to see you." Evie said causing Audrey to stop what she was doing and turn around to see him.

"Jay? Are those for me?" She asked as she stood up while he began to approach her.

"Well who else would they be for? Merry Christmas princess, I'm looking forward to being your date for the Christmas Eve Ball tonight." He told her as he gave her the roses.

"Aw Jay! You are so sweet!" She said as she kissed him.

"Now that is the cutest thing I've seen all year!" Evie let out as she watched the couple.

"Hey! I'm offended, you've seen me all year!" Mal yelled to Evie.

Evie chuckled as she patted Mal's head. "You've had your moments." She replied making Mal give her a childlike grin.

"I guess I'll leave you girls to finish up all the orders. And I'll see you later." Jay said to his girlfriend giving her one last kiss before leaving the dorm.

"Alright ladies back to work, we only have about 13 orders left to complete let's get them done, and let's get them done quick!" Evie told all the girls as they followed orders and got back to finishing the dresses.

They worked even harder and even faster to get the last of the orders completed, and Mal also pushed herself to get them all delivered as quickly as possible. Within 2 and a half hours, the last dress had been completed and Mal delivered it and they had officially finished with all the Christmas outfits for the Ball.

"We did it! Everyone has gotten their outfit, we're officially done!" Mal declared as she walked into the dorm after delivering the last dress.

"Good work Mal, and good work to everybody else. I don't know what I would have done without all of your help, so thank you everybody!" Evie told all of the girls.

"You are so welcome Evie. We were happy to help, it was the least we could do after the fire." Audrey replied.

"Alright, well there's 3 hours left until the Christmas Eve Ball so get back to your dorms ladies and start getting yourselves ready!" Evie said clapping her hands together as she ushered them all out of her dorm so they could go to their own rooms. Once she had closed the door, Evie turned to face Mal with a smirk on her face. "Now it is time for us to get ready!" Mal nodded as she followed Evie into their closet to get their dresses.

Once they both had put theirs on, Evie worked to help Mal with her hair and makeup. "After I'm through with you, you are going to look fabulous and Carlos will fall to his knees at the sight of you."

"Ok Evie, there's no need to go overboard on anything." Mal tried telling her.

"Um yes actually when it comes to the Christmas Eve Ball. Just trust me, okay?"

"Okay, but I better not hate it." Mal warned her.

"How could you ever hate anything I do to you?" Evie questioned her. Mal just gave her a certain look through the mirror. Evie faked a hurt look as she stuck her lip out at her.

"Oh so now you're doing the lip?" Mal asked her.

"Hey it works does it not?"

"Well I suppose it does. On you, at least. It doesn't work on me." Mal informed her as Evie put her lip back in and shook her head at her.

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