Valentines Day (Part 1): Henry & Evie

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February 14th, Valentine's Day had arrived and this year was shaping up to be a great year for the holiday especially since Henry and Evie were now married and this would be their first Valentine's Day as an officially married couple. And so on that Saturday morning Henry had woken up extra early to make sure he could wake up before Evie so he could surprise her with breakfast in bed.

"Is that the heavenly scent of bacon I smell?" Mal entered the kitchen asking as she sniffed the air.

"Yes it is, but it's not for you." Henry informed her as he swatted her hand away with the spatula in his hands.

Mal looked up at him in shock and hurt as she stuck her lip out at him. "How could it not be for me? I love bacon!" Mal said to him practically begging for a piece of it.

"It's for Evie, and what are you even doing up? You're always up at like eleven and it's literally 6 a.m." Henry asked as he was getting confused.

"I can't sleep when the smell of bacon cooking fills my nose so obviously I woke up." Mal replied in an obvious tone of voice as she slightly rolled her eyes.

"Well I'm trying to do something special for Evie for Valentine's Day so I'm making her breakfast in bed, and I can't give her breakfast with no bacon so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." Henry replied as he playfully ushered her out of the kitchen. Mal couldn't believe he was making her get out of the kitchen as she continued sticking her lip out at him trying to guilty him into letting her stay. "Ok you should know by now that I'm not Evie."

"Yeah but you're married to her so she's bound to rub off on you somehow, right?"

Henry only shook his head at her while mouthing a 'no' to her as he leaned against the entryway to the kitchen. Mal felt defeated as she went back up the stairs and to her room to chill for the next few hours for she knew she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep with that mocking scent of bacon that had filled the house.

Once Henry had gotten Mal out of the kitchen he got back to finishing up Evie's breakfast before putting it all on a tray and taking it upstairs to his and Evie's bedroom where she was still in their bed sleeping peacefully. He set the tray on his side of the bed before quietly approaching her and gently shaking her awake. "Hey Eve, time to get up." He softly told her as Evie began stirring getting ready to open her brown eyes.

"Babe? What time is it?" She asked as she slowly sat up while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"It's almost 7. But it doesn't matter, happy Valentine's Day!" He said to her as he picked up the tray and set it on her lap.

"Aw did you make all this?" She asked him as he sat down in the bed next to her,while she began to eat the food that he had made for her.

"Of course I did Eve, I'd do anything for you."

Evie couldn't keep the smile off her face at those words as she leaned over to kiss his lips. "You are so sweet baby!" She told him as she caressed his cheek.

"Yeah well once you're finished eating I'll let you get dressed cause I've got a lot planned for us to do today."

Evie gave him a curious look while continuing to eat her breakfast. "Like what?"

"Like a surprise, so I can't tell you." He replied making Evie roll her eyes playfully at him.

But she just focused on finishing up before she got up from the bed to go and get herself ready to go out and do whatever Henry had planned for the day. And while Henry waited for her he took the tray back downstairs and the dishes on it to clean them.

"Any bacon left?" He heard Mal's voice say as he turned around to see her peeking her head into the kitchen.

"No Mal, I only made enough for Evie." Henry answered her with a laugh in his voice.

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